- John! Lend a hand with this table, will you? 约翰,帮帮忙,搬一下桌子好吗?
- He is learning to ride a bicycle. 他正在学习骑自行车。
- Please lend a hand with my book. 请帮我拿一下书。
- It's uphill work learning to ride a bicycle. 学骑自行车是件难事。
- He never stands aside when he is needed to lend a helping hand. 无论什么时候需要他帮助,他从不袖手旁观。
- This hill is too steep to ride up on a bicycle. 这山太陡了,骑自行车可上不去。
- She is too little to ride a bicycle. 她太小了,不能骑脚踏车。
- A bicycle is a real boon when you live in a small town. 住在小城镇上,有辆自行车确实极为方便。
- A bicycle and a motorcycle are built on the same principle. 自行车和摩托车是根据同样的原理制造的。
- I'll get along with a bicycle until we can afford a car. 在我们买得起汽车以前,我将继续用单车凑合凑合。
- I had to get a porter to lend a hand with luggage. 我得去找个搬运工来帮着搬行李。
- If I had a bicycle made of stainless steel, it will never get rust. 要是我有一辆不锈钢制造的自行车,它就再也不会生锈了。
- Ask the boys to lend a hand with moving the piano . 求那些男孩子来帮忙搬搬钢琴。
- A bicycle's often far more convenient than a car in busy cities. 在热闹的都市里骑自行车往往比坐汽车方便得多。
- Ask the boys to lend a hand with moving the piano. 求那些男孩子来帮忙搬搬钢琴。
- I have decided to buy a bicycle, whether it is expensive or not. 我已经决定买一部脚踏车,不论贵不贵。
- A bicycle cape will protect you in wet weather. 自行车雨披可以使你在雨天骑车也不致淋湿。
- John! Lend a hand with this table,will you? 约翰,帮帮忙,搬一下桌子好吗?
- Don't just stand by. Can't you lend a hand? 别袖手旁观。你不能帮一下忙吗?
- You can coast downhill on a bicycle. 你可以骑自行车滑下坡。