- He never stands aside when he is needed to lend a helping hand. 无论什么时候需要他帮助,他从不袖手旁观。
- Todd always tries to lend a helping hand. 托德总是努力帮助别人。
- So we all must lend a helping hand. 所以我们必须伸出援助之手。
- We hope our work will lend a helping hand. 我们希望我们的工作会给你一些帮助。
- Please lend a helping hand to the needy. 希望各位踊跃支持,为社会作出贡。
- He was ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in distress. 什么人有难,他都乐于帮助。
- I chipped in to lend a helping hand for that poor girl. 我捐了一些钱,想帮帮那个可怜的女孩。
- Whichever of us fulfils his task first will lend a helping hand to others. 我们之中无论谁先做完自己的工作,都要去帮助别人。
- Whicheverof us fulfills his task first will lend a helping hand to others. 我们之中无论谁先做完自己的工作,就去帮助别人。
- One person desperately in need and another willing to lend a helping hand. 一个人急需别人的帮助,而另一个人却很愿意帮助别人。
- The problem will not be too difficult to solve,because both the state and the prosperous areas can lend a helping hand. 不仅是国家,还有那些好起来了的地方也可以帮助,问题不难解决。
- Whichever of us fulfills his task first is asked to lend a helping hand toothers. 我们之中无论谁先完成自己的任务,都被要求去帮助别人。
- As God has shown us by turning stones to bread, So we all must lend a helping hand. 就像上帝给我们展示的一样,石头可以变成面包,所以我们应该伸出援助之手。
- They would be well-advised to look back from time to time and lend a helping hand to those lagging behind. 他们很细心地不时回头望一望,伸手拉一拉掉队的人一把。
- Now, considering the benefits to his future, Iwata decides to lend a helping hand to Zaizen. 鹈饲为了自己的利益,决定帮财前一把。
- The problem will not be too difficult to solve, because both the state and the prosperous areas can lend a helping hand. 不仅是国家,还有那些好起来了的地方也可以帮助,问题不难解决。
- El Nino will be there to lend a helping hand - but the superstar striker hopes it will be a mutually beneficial reunion. 托雷斯将会在这里伸出援助之手,但是超级前锋希望这将会是有利于双方组合搭档。
- Kiva is a good example of the ”average Joe“ uses the internet to lend a helping hand to another individual in another continent. Kiva是普通人利用网络向另一个大陆的另一个人提供帮助的很好的例子。
- To lend a helping hand. 向你伸出援助之手。
- They would be well-advised to look back from time to time and lend a helping hand to those lagging behind. After all,the slower movers have made their contribution to what Singapore is today. 也须不时回头望一望,伸手拉一拉掉队的人一把,毕竟,他们也曾是旧时代的铺路功臣。