- After initial review of documents, the client and their Lending Bank (Lender) would be working directly with the licensed Investment-Asset Management Firm. 文件经初步审查后,客户和他的贷款银行(贷款人)将直接与授权的投资-资产管理公司一起工作。
- How to apply for loans by the lending bank provident fund information? 贷款银行如何审核公积金贷款申请资料?
- The bank lend him$20,000 without security. 该银行贷给他20,000美元没有抵押。
- The bank lend him$50,000 to start his business. 银行借他50,000美元以启动他的企业。
- Require the borrower through the lending bank to reduce the size of the mortgage and cancel the insurance. 透过贷款银行要求借款人减少按揭贷款金额,并取消保险。
- Additional on-going premium will be borne by the lending banks. 另外的保险年费将由贷款银行承担。
- Under the scheme,the HKMC provides a guarantee at a fee to the lending bank for an amount up to 15 per cent of the value of the property. 根据该计划,按揭证券公司向贷款银行提供担保并收取担保费,担保额最高达物业价值的15%25。
- Under the scheme, the HKMC provides a guarantee at a fee to the lending bank for an amount up to 15 per cent of the value of the property. 根据该计划,按揭证券公司向贷款银行提供担保并收取担保费,担保额最高达物业价值的15%25。
- Which is actually a complex hybrid of aid agency, long-term development lending bank and technical-assistance outsourcing centre. 它实际上是一个复杂混合援助机构,长期发展借贷银行和技术帮助转包业务中心。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- I never lend books; you never get them back. 我的书决不外借,因为总是有去无回。
- Non-Recourse Finance A loan where the lending bank is only entitled to repayment from the profits of the project the loan is funding, not from other assets of the borrower. 无追索权融资贷款的一种,贷款银行只有权收取有关贷款提供资金的项目的收入作为还款,对贷款方的其他资产并无追索权。
- Lend me your typewriter, please. 请把你的打字机借我用一下。
- If the bank refuses to lend us the money, we're finished! 如果银行拒绝借钱,我们就完蛋了!
- Therefore, loanee enterprise must negotiate well with reception bank and lending bank, get 8% bill charge ready, can they be qualified to cooperate with our Group. 所以需款企业只有联系好接证银行和贷款银行;准备好8%25的开单费后;才有资格和本财团合作.
- I'd be glad to lend you the money. 我很乐意借给你钱。
- At the end of the loan term (one year and one day), the Lending Bank receives the principal and interest payment from the issued Bank Instrument (Collateral) paying off the loan. 到贷款期限结束时(一年和一天),贷款银行将获得从开出的银行票据获得的本金和利息的偿还。
- Would you please lend me your pencil? 请把铅笔借给我用用好吗?
- Could you possibly lend me 10 dollars? 你能借给我十美元吗?
- I can't possibly lend you so much money. 我没有可能借给你这麽多钱。