- length to high ratio 长高比
- And newborns with a high ratio of head size to body weight are often predisposed to high blood pressure and strokes in later life. 头部相对身体较大的新生儿在今后的生活中通常更轻易得高血压和中风。
- Length to diameter ratio of flexspline. 柔轮长度与内径之比。
- With regards to high ratio of spikes to tillers and low ear weight in small-spike cultivars, nitrogen application at jointing stage increased grain number by decreasing aborted florets or ovaries. 针对多穗型品种在高产奈件下分蘖成稳率高、穗粗重较低的特点,采取在拔节期追氮的措施能有效减少小花、子房退化,达到穗粒数增加、粒重提高的效果;
- Exhibiting a high ratio of output to input. 功效大的产出与投入比值高的
- When the chips are down, he will go to any length to save himself. 在关键时刻,为了保自己他什么事情都干得出来。
- I'm used to high quality and won't take second-best. 我用惯高质量的东西,差一点儿的都不行。
- The Sintering Process and Controls for Cemented Carbide Shell Trumpet Tube With High Ratio of Length to Radium 薄壁硬质合金喇叭管烧结工艺及控制
- I will go any length to help my family. 我要尽一切力量帮助我家里。
- He'll go to great length to get the job done. 他将不遗余力去完成这项工作。
- They go to absurd length to keep the affair secret. 他们为了保密无所不用其极。
- Set this parameter to high value e.g. 2000. 设置这个参量到比较高的值,比如2000。
- We need a length to easure the field. 我们需要一段绳子来丈量土地。
- Her manners recommend her to high and low alike. 她的态度使上上下下的人都喜欢她。
- Set the minimum length to 6 characters. 设定最小长度为6个字符。
- Z series - Low to high end clamshell mobile phones. 系列-低端到高端翻盖手机。
- The length to the string to be returned. 要返回的字符串的长度。
- He'll go to great lengths to get the job done. 他将不遗余力去完成这项工作。
- Fiber length to rotor diameter not near to unity. 纤维长度与纺杯直径不一致(协调)。
- The whole scheme stinks to high heaven. 整件事十分卑鄙龌龊。