- Its title is "Lessons Learned by the Third World". 书名叫"第三世界应吸取的经验教训"。
- Sharing lessons learned, best proctices, etc. 交流“成功的经验”和吸取“失败的教训”。
- ISC component lessons learned list. ISC组分教训博学的名单。
- A lesson learned isn't learned until you learn it. 直到你真正吸取了教训,才算吸取了吸取到的教训。
- The lessons learned at the cost of blood helped to sober us. 血的教训使我们的头脑清醒了。
- Lessons learned from the past can guide one in the future. 前事不忘, 后事之师。
- Some officers of the art of war are trying to summarize the lessons learned. 一些致力于战争艺术的军官正试图总结应吸取的经验教训。
- It expects the team to capture lessons learned and improve the process. 它期望团队能记录那些学到的经验从而改进过程。
- Lately, a valuable lesson learned, to compromise, to flow with the vibes. 最近学会了接受与放开执著,顺其自然。
- Listen as five former RPI incubator managers share lessons learned from a quarter century of experience. 5个孵化器的创始人将与大家分享4分之1个世纪的经验。
- The valuable lessons learned therefrom should not be arbitrarily dismissed ,but should instead be treasured. 从中获得的宝贵经验不应该任意抛弃,而应该倍加珍惜。
- Lessons learnt from accidents were circulated to all ACP participants. 当局会汇集从意外中汲取的经验,并知会所有参与机场核心计划的人员。
- Aberrant, aggregated proteins feature in all these diseases, and so lessons learned from prions may be applicable to them as well. 这些疾病的共同特徵都是堆积了异常蛋白质,因此,从普恩蛋白学到的经验或许也可以应用到这些疾病上头。
- Much of this book is devoted to describing lessons learned by the team as the project progressed. 本书主要关注于说明团队在项目进行中所得的经验和教训。
- JSF is the result of lessons learned over several years of evolving Web development techniques on the Java platform. JSF是几年前学过的在Java平台上改进Web开发技术的课程的结果。
- Members of the two sector groups in question should take note of the lessons learned from the recent elections. 两个类别组的成员也应该汲取最近选举中的教训。
- Update the product, the sales system, and the marketing plan based on lessons learned. 根据学习研究的结果,升级产品、销售系统和市场推广计划。
- Lessons learned from an initial e-commerce failure by a catalog retailer By: Phan, Dien D.; Chen, Jim Q.; Ahmad, Sohel. 目录册零售商初入电子商务的经验教训。
- It is also easy to forget the lessons learnt and to become complacent. 同时,我们也可能会忘记所领略到的教训,并变得自满。
- They evaluate software processes to prevent known types of defects from recurring and [they] disseminate lessons learned throughout the organization. 他们评估软件过程以避免已知类型缺陷的复发,他们在整个组织中传授学到的经验。