- I'm writing a letter of thanks to them. 我在给他们写一封谢函。
- You must pen a letter of thanks to your uncle. 你必须给叔叔写一封感谢信。
- I am writing a letter of thanks to them. 我在给他们写一封谢函。
- Can you get someone to copy this letter of thanks? 请找人抄写这封感谢信好吗?
- A letter of thanks was drawn up. 感谢信写好了。
- They wrote a formal letter of thanks. 他们写了一封正式的感谢信。
- Soon thereafter mom sent out her letters of thanks. 之后不久,母亲给儿子们分别回信表示感谢。
- It was courteous of you to write a letter of thanks. 你写这封感谢信真是谦恭得很。
- Linde Song is a special forum have issued a letter of thanks. 因父母在广东打工,全家来到了广东省海丰县。
- Don't forget to toss in a mention of the director when you write the letter of thanks. 你写感谢信时,可别忘了提一下主任。
- Many thanks for your letter of November3. 感谢您11月3日的来函。
- He received a letter of thanks and a check. He accepted their thanks but not the money. *他收到一封感谢信和一张支票,他收下了信退回了支票。
- Oidlum now moved that a letter of thanks and a fee of fifty pounds be voted to Mr Wireman. 迪德卢姆于是动议送怀尔曼先生一封感谢信和五十个英磅。
- Oidlum now moved that a letter of thanks and a fee of fifty pounds be voted to Mr. Wireman. 迪德卢姆于是动议送怀尔曼先生一封感谢信和五十个英镑。
- Love for our spring to add more color, write a letter of thanks to the spring, for his vigor. 用我们的年华为春天增添更多的色彩,为春天写一封感谢信,感谢他的生机。
- She penned a few words of thanks. 她写了几句致谢的话。
- She managed to get out a few words of thanks. 她勉为其难地说出了几句道谢的话。
- Tzu Chi also had his bathroom remolded to make it wheelchair accessible.In gratitude, the patient painstakingly typed out a letter of thanks on his computer. 慈济也帮助他改造浴室成为无障碍空间,为了回馈,患者还以电脑打字写感谢信给慈济。
- I sent them flowers as an expression of thanks. 我给他们送去鲜花表示感谢。
- We are in receipt of your letter of the 15th. 我们收到了您15日来函。