- leural effusion 胸膜渗漏, 胸膜(腔)积液
- A sudden effusion of blood into an organ or tissue. 内出血器官或组织内的突然出血
- Serosanguinous: an effusion with red blood cells. 血性浆液:含较多红细胞。
- A sudden effusion of blood into an organor tissue. 内出血器官或组织内的突然出血。
- A gradual effusion from an enclosure;a leakage. 泄漏从包围物中逐渐渗出的漏出;泄漏
- A gradual effusion from an enclosure; a leakage. 泄漏:从包围物中逐渐渗出的漏出;泄漏。
- Effusion followed silence, which is fulness. 倾诉衷肠接替了代表情真意酣的沉默。
- Does This Patient Have a Pleural Effusion? 这名患者有胸腔积液吗?
- Chest X-ray showed cardiomegaly and bilateral pleural effusion. 胸部X光显示心脏扩大及两侧肋膜积水。
- Pleural disease may also take the form of a pleural "effusion". 胸膜疾病也可能采取其他形式的胸腔"积液"。
- There may be ascites with unilateral or bilateral pleural effusion. 病人可能同时有腹水伴单侧或双侧胸水。
- Pleural thickening and pleural effusion are also common. 胸膜增厚和胸腔积液十分常见。
- Bil SIJ and hip joint spaces are intact without joint effusion. 双侧荐髂关节以及髋关节之关节腔正常无关节积液。
- The pleural effusion was not related to albumin, SGOT or bilirubin. 而肋膜积水则和白蛋白、SGOT、胆红素皆无关连。
- Conclusion: The Pathogens of pericardial effusion in pati... 结论:小儿心包积液,可由多种致病因素引起。
- Minimal pneumothorax and some reddish pleural effusion were found. 极少量气胸与些许红色肋膜积液被发现。
- The report on sodium pentachlorophenol poisoning and pleural effusion is rare. 五氯酚钠中毒致胸腔积液的报道非常罕见。
- Methods:There are 88 patients with malignant ascites or p leural fluid having received therapy of IL 2 infused into abdomen or thoracic c avity in this study. 方法 :88例恶性非肝癌性胸 /腹水患者 ,均接受IL 2胸 /腹腔灌注治疗 ,治疗前应用ELISA法检测血清IL 2水平 ,将IL 2测定值较高的 4 4例患者分为一组 ,IL 2测定值较低的 4 4例患者分为另一组。
- Pleural effusion associated with retroperitoneal urinary leakage is unusual. 摘要集尿系统尿液外渗后所引起的肋膜积液,在临床上属于罕见。