- But he added that this low level of supply could not last indefinitely. 但是他补充说这个低水平的供应不会永远持续下去。
- To raise the level of LD-GAS recovery and utilization by improve the method of supply technology,introduces the condition survey in brief. 简要介绍通过优化转炉煤气外供工艺流程,提高转炉煤气回收、利用水平的情况。
- The real estate market of Jilin Province is still underdevelopment despite fast development in recent years,the price of house is far below the average level of China and the main two problems are the constraint of supply and insufficiency of demand. 近年来吉林省房地产市场得到了长足的发展,但是吉林省的房地产市场仍然处于一个较为初级的发展阶段,房屋价格远远低于全国平均水平,而且面临着较为严重的供给约束和有效需求不足问题。
- The rising level of crime is a sign of the times. 犯罪率增高是这一时代的特徵。
- The level of inflation has gone beyond 8%. 通货膨胀率已经超过了8%。
- The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods. 供求规律决定商品的价格。
- We must try to maintain the equilibrium of supply and demand. 我们必须努力保持供求均衡。
- The level of formality determine the precise mode of expression. 不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式。
- Our effort is gear to a higher level of production. 我们调整力量将生产推向更高的水平。
- The flood rose to a level of 50 feet. 洪水涨到五十英尺高。
- We pasted the enemy's greatest source of supply . 我们对敌人最大的补给来源予以重击。
- The talks are aimed at radical reductions in the level of weapons. 那些会谈都以大幅度裁减军备为目标。
- A surplus of supply will lead to a drop in price. 供过于求将导致物价下跌。
- An abnormally low level of glucose in the blood. 低血糖症血液中葡萄糖不正常地低含量
- Overhang Excess, normally of supply over demand. 过剩额一般指供应过于需求的余额。
- It's a textbook marriage of supply and demand. 供求双方各得其所,合作十分理想。
- Our effort is geared to a higher level of production. 我们调整力量将生产推向更高的水平。
- Does the law of supply and demand operate? 供给和需求有运作的法则吗?
- How to control the cost of supply chain? 如何进行供应链的成本控制?
- Saturating logic draws large fast current spikes from its supply during switching and, having noise immunity of hundreds of millivolts or more, has little need of high levels of supply decoupling. 晶体管在开关过程中会流过短暂的大电流(带来噪声),但是数字电路的噪声容限可达数百毫伏,所以对电源去耦的要求不高。