- libraries in local colleges 地方高校图书馆
- Library in Local Colleges 地方高等院校图书馆
- This paper is intended to make a study of this issue so as to improve NDE in local colleges. 探讨制约市州高校国防教育发展滞后的因素,是推进高校国防教育健康发展的基础性工作。
- Owing to various reasons, National Defence Education (NDE) in local colleges falls far behind compared with that in provincial colleges and universities. 摘要地处州市的高校,由于各种原因,其国防教育的发展水平,与省会及中心城市的高校相比,存在较大的差距。
- She plays an active part in local politics. 她积极参与地方政治活动。
- I am very interested in local history. 我很想了解本地的历史。
- The libraries in large cities are well supplied with books on most subjects. 大城市的图书馆藏书丰富,备有大部份类目的书籍。
- These people occupy an inferior position in local society. 这些人在当地社会居于下等地位。
- music education in local colleges and universities 地方高校音乐教育专业
- Where are libraries in this new age? 新时期图书馆的定位?
- There are two libraries in the prison. 这座监狱中有两个图书馆。
- All the libraries in the U. S. Are on- line. 美国所有图书馆都是电脑化。
- He is a vast library in epitome. 他脑中有万卷藏书。
- There are three libraries in the city . 这个城市有三个图书馆。
- An Analysis on UPI Survey Results Among Freshmen in Local Colleges 贵州省某高校新生人格问卷调查分析
- Three Valued Concepts by Leaders in Local Colleges and Universities 地方性高校领导应重视确立三种观念
- Many citizens do not get caught up in local events. 许多市民对本地事件不感兴趣。
- It was almost without precedent in local history. 这在当地历史上几乎没有先例。
- People want a greater say in local government. 人们要求在当地的政务中有更大的发言权。
- He went to the library in truth last night, but you weren't there. 他昨晚真的去图书馆了,但是你不在那。