- An Improved Method for Solid-phase cDNA Library Construction. 一种改进的cDNA文库固相构建法。
- The issue of intellectual property right is an evitable problem during digital library construction. 摘要数字图书馆建设过程中,知识产权是无法回避的问题。
- This section describes overall NITRO library construction, and an overview of the NITRO-System Library. 这部分描述全面的NITRO库,浏览全部的库。
- This treatise expounds the necessity and feasibility of pieces knowledge resources library construction. 本文阐述了碎块知识资源库建设的必要性与可行性。
- The establishment and perfection of library system is an important content of the modem library construction. 摘要建立和完善图书馆制度,是现代图书馆建设的一项重要内容。
- Strengthening library construction is the important foundation to 4huve the quality of a university and to render service for ifs society. 加强图书馆建设是高校提高办学质量,为社会提供服务的重要基础。
- Digital Library is the developing direction of library construction in the future, andalso the beneficial complementarity of the traditional library. 摘要数字图书馆是图书馆建设的发展方向,是传统图书馆的有益补充。
- This paper begins with the signification of the hybrid library and discusses the inevitability and the ways of hybrid library construction. 本文主要从复合图书馆的含义入手,对建设复合图书馆的必然性和举措进行讨论。
- Under the circumstance of network, the open service is the development trend of the modem library construction development. 摘要在网络环境下,开放服务是现代图书馆建设发展的必然趋势。
- It talked about some key techniques of digital library use and functions, as well as approaches on influence of Grid technology on digital library construction. 文章讨论了多种数字图书馆关键技术的应用与特点,并对网格技术对数字图书馆建设的影响进行了探讨。
- This paper introduces background, survey, setting up a project and preparing to establish of Dongguan Yueju library construction, and introduces its status of work and service. 摘要本文介绍了东莞图书馆粤剧图书馆建设的背景、调研立项、筹建及齐项业务工作和服务活动开展的情况。
- This paper mainly introduces the application of RBAC-based access control mechanism in library so as to provide some reference for digital library construction. 文中主要介绍了基于RBAC技术的访问控制机制在数字图书馆中的应用,拟对现代数字图书馆的建设有所贡献。
- The most important problem in digital library construction and management is the conflict between copyright protection and society public profit advancement. 数字图书馆建设管理中面临的首要问题是著作权保护和社会公共利益促进之间的冲突。
- From the viewpoint of information resource service,the paper analyses the copyright protection of digital library construction,and puts forward the rationalized suggestions. 本文从信息资源服务角度分析了数字图书馆建设的著作权保护问题,并提出合理化建议。
- The concept of scientific development theory has the significant guiding sense regarding the library enterprise as well as all library construction development. 摘要科学发展观理论对于图书馆事业以及所有图书馆的建设发展具有重大指导意义。
- Abstract: Booklist is a basic tool serving the vast readers, which forms the core of library construction, and thus should be standardized and modernized. 文章摘要: 书目是服务广大读者的基本工具,是图书馆建设的核心工作;
- The paper introduces briefly the process and work of new Dongguan library construction, including project organization, building design, development outline, function distribution, model of operation and management, model of service, etc. 摘要从馆舍建设和业务准备两个方面概要介绍了包括项目组织、建筑设计、发展纲要、功能布局、运作管理模式、服务模式等在内的东莞图书馆新馆建设的过程和各项工作情况。
- This paper analyses the distinguishing features and the significance of grid technology,discusses its application in digital library construction and several interrelated problems. 论文分析了网格技术的特点及其意义,论述了网格技术在数字图书馆建设中的应用以及一些相关的问题。
- Now, in Network time, the concept of library construction and development needs comprehensively to renew, change the collection books and the librarian as the center, remould the service image. 在网络化时代,图书馆的建设和发展,需要全面更新传统观念,改变“以馆藏图书和馆员为中心”的观念,重塑图书馆读者服务形象。
- Performance is the yardstick to measure the development of libraries and the eternal theme of library construction. 绩效是衡量图书馆事业发展的标尺,是图书馆事业建设的永恒主题。