- Based on the analysis of the library science research object and the library socialization, the paper proposes the concept of library science socialization. 摘要通过对图书馆学研究对象及图书馆社会化进程的分析,提出了图书馆学的社会化。
- Analyses the status| quo of library science research, and points ont that library science research should focus its attention on the practical effects, improve its quality and offer the essential culture. 分析当前本学科的研究态势,认为应把握契机,着意创新,注重实践效果,提高品位,使图书馆学在发展中更加成熟。
- The article thinks that the library science research should be diversified. Discussion on the academic issue is beneficial,but the academic research and issue should obey the basic academic standards and moral standards. 文章认为图书馆学研究应当多元化,学术探讨争论是有益的,但是学术研究和争论应当遵守基本的学术规范和道德规范。
- The dispute between the scientific rationality and humanism orientation in library science bring out the question that is the scientism or humanism the fundamental rules of library science research? 摘要图书馆学中的科学理性与人文取向的论争,提出了图书馆学研究究竟是坚持科学主义还是人文主义等问题。
- Overseas scholars restrain Chinese library science research on the grounds of the West and ape Western scholars at every step in academic topics.They ignore the effect of the West theory. 海派学者的要害在于“据外律中”并亦步亦趋于西方的学术话题,忽略了西方理论的“效度”问题。
- The Paralogism in the Library Science Research 图书馆学研究中的悖论
- The Wrong Way and the Right Way of Library Science Research 图书馆学研究的歧途与正道
- Judging the Current Hot Problems of Library Science Research by Paper in Library and Information Science Core Periodical 从图书馆学情报学核心期刊发文看当前图书馆学研究热点问题
- Bachelor of Library Science B.M. 图书馆学士。
- Doctor of Library Science D.Mus. 图书馆博士。
- library science research 图书馆学研究
- Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Library Science -- 2 vols. 图书馆学教学百科全书2卷集。
- The science research mechanism is founded. 创立一个科学研究机构。
- The general survey of the China Society for Library Science II. 中国图书馆学会综览2。
- Modern Encyclopaedia Of Library Science (set Of 5 Vols. 现代图书馆科学百科全书(5卷集)
- In library science, a subject heading or descriptor in an index. 在图书馆学中,索引中的主题标题或关键词。
- The humanistic library science advances towards the practice realm. 摘要人文图书馆学在向实践领域推进。
- Bachelor/Masters degree in library science and fluent English. 图书馆管理学士/硕士学位,精通英文。
- Mr.Du is a preeminent expert of Library Science in modern China. 是我国近现代卓越的图书馆学家。
- Comparative Library Science:a Subject or a Study Method? 比较图书馆学:是学科还是研究方法?