- He lay in agony until the doctor arrived. 他十分痛苦地躺在那里,直到医生来到。
- Four days he lay in agony,and on the fifth clay he found rest. 他极端痛苦地躺了四天,第五天,他就此长眠不起。
- Four days he lay in agony, and on the fifth clay he found rest. 他极端痛苦地躺了四天,第五天,他就此长眠不起。
- He was squirming (around) on the floor in agony. 他躺在地上痛苦地扭动。
- The patient was writhing on the bed in agony. 病人疼得在床上直打滚。
- Another had been shot at a loophole in the very act of firing into the house, and now lay in agony, the pistol still smoking in his hand. 另一个海盗企图在枪眼向屋里射击时,自己中弹倒在了地上,此刻正痛苦地躺在那里,手中的枪还在冒烟。
- I caught a flu and had to lie in the bed. 我得了流感,不得不卧床休息。
- The injured Lay in agony. 受伤者躺在那儿痛苦万分。
- It's a holiday tomorrow, so you can lie in. 明天是假日,你可以睡懒觉了。
- May he rest (ie lie in his grave) in peace. 愿他安息。
- He has made his bed and now he has to lie in it. 他自食苦果。
- Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament? 我们求生的唯一希望就在於裁军吗?
- The soldier hollowed oat a foxhole in the ground to lie in. 那士兵在地上挖了个散兵坑以便藏身。
- Jack collapsed in agony on the floor. 杰克十分痛苦地瘫倒在地板上。
- My forehead, ears and neck were in agony. 我的前额,耳朵和脖子十分疼痛。
- My younger daughter used to lie in every Sunday morning. 以前我的小女儿习惯星期天早上睡懒觉。
- He was in agony when he descended a crowded stair. 最使他急得无法可施的是在人丛中走下楼的时候。
- The scalded man is howling in agony. 烫伤的人痛得直号叫。
- I saw men crumple up in agony when I shot them. 被我打中的人痛苦地倒下,
- She put her hands to her eyes in agony. 她极其悲痛地用手蒙住眼睛。