- "Thou shalt have it, fair kinswoman, were it against a host -- always excepting my liege lord, of Burgundy.But there is little time to talk of it. 尽管他对她的前途不抱什么希望,他还是尽量使她不要丧失信心,便回答说,这伙人最强烈的欲望就是贪财;
- A liege lord. 受臣服的领主
- But all those in the courtyard that night had either admired or actually been fond of their murdered liege lord, and it was going to be a distinct pleasure for them to see his killer die horribly. 但是当晚在院子里的人们不但对被害主公深怀敬仰,对主公喜爱关怀的也大有人在。谁都满怀快意看到杀人犯悲惨的死去。
- one's liege lord; a liege subject. 自己所效忠的君主;忠诚的臣子。
- The lord vote to amend the bill. 上院投票对议案进行修正。
- He likes to lord it over the junior staff. 他喜欢对下级职员逞威风。
- Gone are the days when a big nation could lord it over small ones. 大国可以对小国称王称霸的日子已经一去不复返了。
- Lord knows where he dug up that dreadful story. 天知道他那讨厌的故事是从哪里找来的。
- The blessing of the Lord be upon you all. 愿主赐福于你们大家。
- liege lord 君主,王侯
- Oh, Lord, are you going to get on my back? 哟,大人,你想找我茬,是吗?
- The lord anointed thee King of Israel. (圣经)耶和华膏你作以色列的王。
- All this is so; but what of this, my lord? 这一切都是如此; 但这件事的重要性如何呢,老爷?
- a liege lord 受臣服的领主
- My liege, it is an ill time for dreaming. 皇上,现在是不宜於幻想的。
- Don't lord it over your friends. 不要对你的朋友摆威风。
- The lord or military governor of a medieval German border province. 总督中世纪德国边境省份的长官或军事统治者
- The costume or insignia worn by the retainers of a feudal lord. 装束封建主的随从所穿的服装或所戴标志
- Thus she cared much about the liege opinions and sayings. 因此,她特别在意臣下的思想言论。
- The most important judge in Britain is the Lord Chancellor. 英国最重要的法官是大法官。