- Belief in a life after death is the keystone of her religious faith. 她的宗教信仰的基础是相信死后有来生。
- Most religions predicate life after death. 大多数的宗教宣称死后仍有生命。
- Life after death is nothingness. 死亡后生命归于虚无。
- Do you believe in life after death? 你相信死后再生吗?
- Is there life beyond the grave(= life after death)? 人死后有来生吗?
- He believes in everlasting life after death. 他相信死后有不朽的生命。
- He believes people have life after death. 他相信人死后还有生命.
- Some people believe in everlasting life after death. 有些人相信永生。
- Life after death was conceived as a microcosm of life on earth. 当时的人们普遍认为,人的灵魂是生命在世间的缩影。
- He is firmly under the belief that there is life after death. 他坚信死后仍有生命。
- Most religions posit the existence of life after death. 大多数宗教都假定人死后生命仍存在。
- Belief in a life after death is the keystoneof her religious faith. 她的宗教信仰的基础是相信死後有来生。
- Agnostic: A person who believes that nothing can be known about God or life after death. 不可知论:指相信上帝、神、回等现象是不可被认知的。
- Belief in a life after death is the lor=# cc0066> keystone of her religious faith. 她的宗教信仰的基础是相信死后有来生。
- Whatever his rank, however rich or poor, an ancient Egyptian believed in another life after death, provided he had pleased the gods. 古埃及人,不论哪个阶层,不论贫富贵贱,都相信死后如果能得到神的欢心将会在另一个世界里重生。
- By following on to know the LORD, we learn healing after being torn, binding up after smiting, and life after death. 藉著跟随认识主,我们经历破碎后的愈合,击打后的包扎,死亡后的新生。
- When you don"t realize this, then you project upon life after death all of the old misconceptions. 当你没有认识到这一点时,那么你投射在死后生命之上的是所有陈旧的误解。
- With its pagan roots, the zombie may be the ideal monster for those who do not believe in life after death. 或许对于那些不相信死后重生的人来说,没有宗教信仰的僵尸是非常理想的怪物。
- Whatever his rank,however rich or poor,an ancient Egyptian believed in another life after death,provided he had pleased the gods. 古埃及人,不论哪个阶层,不论贫富贵贱,都相信死后如果能得到神的欢心将会在另一个世界里重生。
- Yet the question of the possibility of life after death has always been, and will always be, an intriguing intellectual problem. 然而,人死后还有生命的可能性的问题一直是、而且仍将是一个吸引人的和需运用智慧的问题。