- life development model 生命发展模式
- The outline of the method is the same in each development model. 该方法的基本步骤在各种开发模型中都相同。
- The life develops as the fission of the cells. 随着细胞的分裂, 生命开始发育。
- His country life developed the tendency in him. 乡居生活助长了他的这种怪癖。
- The effect of parameter on the Arps decline development model is analysed. 分析了参数对Arps 递减开发模型的影响。
- Historically, the approach to testing the Linux kernel has centered around the open source development model. 过去,Linux内核测试方法围绕开放源代码开发模型进行。
- Quality is our life development, Rongtai exerts itself to provide the customers with high quality products and the best service. 质量是企业发展的生命,嵘泰孜孜致力于为客户提供高品质产品和最优的服务。
- Have you found that the componentized nature of Geronimo lends itself to the open source development model? 您是否觉得Geronimo的组件化特性有助于开源的开发模型?
- Psychobiography as an important means to understanding the life development of an individual is of great significance to the study of psychology. 作为一种了解个人生命发展的重要方法,心理传记学对心理学的研究有着重要的意义。
- Using the parallel development model allows more flexibility in development than a serial model of development. 和开发的顺序模型相比,使用并行开发模型在开发过程中有更多灵活性。
- The life development of the hero starts from nature, which witnessing and recording every step he has taken towards his manhood. 大自然是主人公保罗心灵成长的滥觞之地,它真实地记录了年轻保罗的成长经历。
- One of the consequences of the Asian development model has been that production outgrew consumption for decades. 亚洲发展模式的后果之一,就是数十年来,生产一直超过消费。
- Neither worlds finally settled in light and life nor planets in the prehuman stage of life development are reckoned in this group. 最终定居在光中生活的世界并且行星前人类生命进化两者都不算在这个团体里。
- Life development substantially of the mankind experienced crop failure cold, dress warmly and ear one's fill, comparatively well-off, rich 4 phase. 人类的生活发展大体上经历了饥寒、温饱、小康、富裕四个阶段。小康是介于温饱和富裕之间的一个生活发展阶段。
- Therefore, the applications of long-ail on BBS reflects the all-round development model of website. 因此BBS网站对长尾理论的应用,最能体现网站全面发展模式的创新。
- Tentatively, gradually, and as yet unofficially, China is formulating a new development model for the Third World. 中国正以一种试验性的姿态,以及渐进和非官方的方式为第三世界打造新的发展模式。
- But as soon as commercialised city life developed mass gambling became common. 但是,一俟商业化的城市生活发展起来,群体赌博便成为司空见惯的事。
- It is threaten by the simplex development model with consuming resources and pursuing economic quantity growth. 单纯的消耗资源和追求经济数量增长的发展模式,正严重威胁着资源的持续利用。
- Secondly, the paper analyzes the separate factor from the area, the customers and the development model and so on. 然后,本文从区位、客户、发展模式等方面对地块开发的个别因素进行分析;
- A professional organization devoted to the professionals in Dentistry in the Asia-Pacific region for their professional advancement and life development. 亚太牙科学院是一献身给亚太地区牙科专业人仕的专业机构,以促进他们的牙科专业水平及自我生活质素的发展。