- He has leant from his life time experience that friendship and love count for much more than money. 他从一生经历中体会到,友谊和爱比金钱重要的多。
- It’s an elating and once in life time experience to stand on The Great Wall, one of the two places that can be spotted from the moon. 想想看,从太空可以看到的两个人类工程,长城就是其中之一。
- He realized the dream of his life time. 他实现了他毕生的愿望。
- If you really become absorbed in a hobby, your interest may last a life time. 一旦你真的迷上了一种爱好,你的兴趣会持续一生。
- life time experiment 寿命试验
- Is it possible to stay in love for a life time? 那么人们是否能终生都沉浸在爱河中呢?
- Friends like you come along once in a life time. 相识满天下,知心唯一人。
- Difficulties arise in our life time. 生活中困难在所难免
- Youth comes But once in a life time. 青春在人的一生中仅有一次。
- BTW abstract can prolong life time of EAC mice. 白头翁提取物对EAC腹水癌小鼠有延长其存活期的作用;
- But it takes a life time to forget someone. 可要忘却一个人却需要终生的时间。
- Building one's own theological foundation is a life time task. 建立一个基督徒的神学基础须要一生的努力。
- The one hundredth cave the George has discovered in his life time. 乔治一一中发现的第一百座山洞在非洲。
- People come to your life for a reason, a season, or a life time. 一个人进入你的生活,可能是因为一个原因,可能会陪你过一个季节,也可能会相伴一生!
- The EFT is probably the best opportunity of our life time. EFT是我们一辈子碰到的最好机会。
- Spend some time experimenting with control properties. 请花些时间试验一下控件属性。
- We can offer you a Life Time, Easy to Remember and Short URL. 我们可以为你提供一个"终生的""易记的"及"短的"网址!!
- A whole-life policy gives you protection for you life time. 终生险保一生。
- Friends like you only come along once in a life time. 相识满天下,知心惟一人。
- Some people wait a life time , for a moment like this . 一些人等待生命的时间;有那一片刻就像这样.