- ligamenta latum pulmonis [医] 肺韧带
- ligamenta latum uteri [医] 子宫阔韧带
- Objective To explore X-ray and CT scanning in diagnosis of carcinoma of apex pulmonis. 目的探讨胸部X线片和CT扫描对肺尖癌的影像学诊断,以及指导临床治疗的意义。
- Methods X-ray and CT findings of eleven patients with carcinoma of apex pulmonis were analyzed. 方法对11例经病理和临床证实为肺尖癌患者的胸片和CT资料进行对比分析。
- Smple fenestration was adopted to resect the ligamenta flava to treat retro-Lumbar spinal stenosis for36 cases. 采用单纯开窗,黄韧带切除手术,治疗退形性腰椎管狭窄症36例。
- The foci CT shows are not representative foci of butterfly-shape brought from hilus pulmonis out of proliferation but military tuberculosis. 其CT的病灶不是典型的由肺门往外周扩散的典型蝴蝶影病灶,更像是粟粒样结核。
- The human infections of Diphyllobothrium latum,Toxocara canis,and Triodontophorus minor discovered by Lin(1924) from Beijing were the first records in the country. 林几(1924)在北京发现阔节裂头绦虫,犬弓蛔虫,微小三齿线虫等肠道寄生虫的人体感染者,均为我国首次报道。
- Results To be overweight and superfatted is universal phenomena about midlife in-service cadre,which cause weak heart and lung and renitent muscle and ligamenta of waist. 结果超重及脂肪含量超标是中年在职干部普遍存在的问题,由此导致心肺能力下降、腰部肌肉和韧带的柔韧性降低等一系列问题。
- Objective To deepen the knowledge of the ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament(OPLL) plus ossification of ligamenta flava(OLF) in cervical spine. 目的深化对颈椎后纵韧带骨化(OPLL)合并黄韧带骨化(OLF)的认识。
- Conclusion The histopathology is of great significance in the diagnosis of primary syphilis、 condyloma latum and papulosquamous syphilide, but of limitid value for macular syphilide. 结论 病理检查对硬下疳、扁平湿疣、鳞屑性丘疹皮疹诊断有一定意义,而斑疹呈非特异性炎症改变。
- M. pulmonis is not only an important pathogenic organism to laboratory rats and mice, but also is an extremely suitable model organism to study pathogenesis of human respiratory system. 摘要肺支原体是实验大鼠和小鼠的重要致病微生物,所导致的鼠呼吸系统支原体病也是研究人类呼吸系统感染的动物模型。
- Ossification of spinal ligaments, such as ossification of ligamenta flava (OLF) and ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in the cervical spine, is not common and usually asymptomatic. 摘要脊椎黄韧带的骨化通常是发生在胸椎下段,极少发生在颈椎,而合并同时存在颈椎的黄韧带及后纵韧带之钙化更是极为罕见,其通常会引起病人严重的颈髓病变。
- Ligamentum latum laceration syndrome 阔韧带撕裂综合征
- Imaging diagnosis of carcinoma of apex pulmonis 肺尖癌的影像学诊断
- Infection by Diphyllobothrium latum 阔节裂头绦虫感染
- f im briatum var. ocu latum Hook. )、束花石斛 (黄草石斛 )D.
- Mycoplasma pulmonis antibody test kit 肺支原体抗体试剂盒(动)
- pars vetebralis faciei medialis pulmonis 肺内侧面脊柱部
- lobus inferior pulmonis sinister 左肺下叶
- lobus superior pulmonis sinister 左肺上叶