- ligation of lymphatic duct 淋巴管结扎术
- reconstruction of lymphatic duct 淋巴管再建
- Main Uses: Applicable for Ligation of woman. 主要用途:供女性结扎手术用。
- Ligation of lymphatic 淋巴管结扎术
- The elimination of lymphatic blockage, purifying the body. 消除淋巴淤塞、净化身体。
- Ligation of coronary artery was performed in the model group. 模型组进行冠状动脉结扎。
- Conclusions Retroperitoneoscopic ligation of renal lymphatic vessels for chyluria in senile patients is safe and effective. 结论本术式创伤小、痛苦小、出血少、淋巴管结扎彻底,住院时间短、恢复快,对高龄乳糜尿患者是安全、有效的。
- Conclusions Retroperitoneoscopic ligation of renal lymphatic vessels for the treatment of chyluria in senile patients is safe and effective. 结论本术式创伤小、痛苦小、出血少、淋巴管结扎彻底,住院时间短、恢复快,对高龄乳糜尿患者是安全、有效的。
- Results: 2 cases were cured by conservative treatment.3 cases were cured by ligation of thoracic duct. 结果:2例患者行保守治疗,3例患者沿原切口开胸行胸导管结扎术,均治愈。
- Conclusion:It is suggested that in the management of postoperative chylothorax,conservative treatment or ligation of thoracic duct could be admin... 结论:应根据患者的病情来决定是采用保守疗法还是采用开胸结扎胸导管的方法。
- Surgical ligation of the vas deferens as a means of sterilization. 输精管结扎术输精管的外科结扎手术,是绝育的一种方法
- Conclusions Ligation of the commom bile duct will impair liver function of the rats, heat stress pretreatment can decrease the harmness to liver. 结论:热应激预处理可减轻梗阻性黄疸对大鼠肝脏的损害。
- Surgical ligation of the aneurysm was performed on the next day. 因此在发病次日进行血管瘤结扎手术。
- The number of chylothorax was three (0.70%), and among them one patient was cured by ligation of the thoracis duct, and two patients were cured by conservation. 术后乳糜胸3例(0.;7%25),其中1例行开胸探查结扎胸导管治愈,另2例保守治愈;
- The efficacy of ligation of the thoracic duct above the diaphrenic level for treatment prevention of postoperative chylothorax is definitive and accurate. 结论食管癌术后乳糜胸应本着预防为主、综合治疗的原则,隔上低位胸导管结扎术对治疗和预防食管癌术后乳糜胸,疗效确切。
- Conclusion:ligation of thoracic duct can effectively prevent patients with middle or upper carcinoma of esophagus undergoing esophagectomy from suffering chylothorax. 结论:中上段食管癌切除时,术中常规行胸导管结扎可有效防止术后乳糜胸的发生。一旦发生乳糜胸,宜尽早开胸结扎胸导管。收藏指正
- Cystic hydroma takes most part of the two types of lymphatic malforma... 大囊型以全麻插管安全,术后负压引流是防止感染及呼吸道梗阻的有效措施。
- Objective To improve the method of casting mould of lymphatic vessel in organs. 目的:对器官内淋巴管铸型方法进行改良。
- To analyze the hepatobiliary transport of indocyanine green (ICG) in normal and obstructive jaundice(OJ) rats,OJ were experimentally made up by ligation of common bile duct. 采用结扎胆总管的方法复制阻塞性黄疸(OJ)大鼠模型,研究靛氰绿在OJ大鼠的肝胆内转运过程。
- Objective To research the way of micro-traumatic ligation of PDA. 目的研究开辟动脉导管结扎术的微创伤途径。