- light armored protection 轻装甲防护
- A piece of armor protecting the throat. 护喉甲用来保护咽喉的盔甲
- Raiders now have light armor instead of heavy armor. 狼骑现在具有轻型护甲而不是原来的重型。
- Effective against light armor like robes or Dragonhide. 有效对付轻装甲或。
- Nullifiers are mechanical units, but have light armor. 废弃者是机械单位,但装备着轻甲。
- In total there were 80 medium and 30 light armored cars in the brigade. 总共有80辆中型和30辆轻型装甲汽车。
- An armored protective cylinder around a revolving gun turret on a warship. 军舰上的露天炮塔军舰上旋转炮塔四周的保护性装甲圆柱体
- Sorcerers are limited to light armor and can use daggers and two-handed staffs. 魔术师仅能装备轻甲并可使用匕首和双手杖。
- The Thor's anti-air attack also has +2 damage against Mutalisk's Light armor. 雷神的对空攻击对于飞龙这类轻甲部队有2点攻击加成。
- Nebelwerfer burning ground damage does not kill heavy or light armor. 国防军6管会见的燃烧效果不会毁掉重型或者轻型装甲.
- Vikings currently do additional damage to large ships, rather than light armor. 维京现在是对大型舰艇造成额外伤害,而不是针对轻型护甲。
- The property characteristics of bulletproof fiber composites and the applications in armor protection field are reviewed in this paper. 综述了防弹纤维复合材料的性能特点及其在装甲防护领域的应用,并对其应用前景进行了展望。
- The heaviest type of armor, made up of shaped plates of metal or similarly resilient material, plate provides the most armor protection. 板甲是所有护甲中最重的,由各种型状的金属板或其他近似的弹性物料制成。
- A piece of mail or plate armor protecting the joints in a suit of armor. 护腋甲片盔甲中用来保护连结处的铠甲或薄盔
- A highly mobile army unit using vehicular transport,such as light armor and helicopters. 高度机动地面部队使用车辆,如轻装甲车和直升飞机运输的高度机动部队。
- "Our goal and what we're working towards is that no wheeled vehicle that leaves Kuwait going into Iraq is driven by a solder that does not have some level of armored protection on it," he said. 他说:“我们的目标和努力方向是,任何一名军人驾驶的、离开科威特前往伊拉克的车辆,都不能没有某种程度的装甲防护。”
- A highly mobile army unit using vehicular transport, such as light armor and helicopters. 高度机动地面部队使用车辆,如轻装甲车和直升飞机运输的高度机动部队
- Light Fortification(Ex):An ironclad mauler`s grafted armor protects its vital areas and sneak attacks it resistant to extra damage from critical hits and sneak attacks. 移植护甲:装甲暴(泰提)熊身上的装甲是用魔法的力量和他结合在一起的,并在战斗中给他提供保护,和一般的铠甲不同,这个铠甲没有最大的敏捷加值限制,没有装备减值和法术失败率。
- Nebelwerfer burning ground does not damage heavy armor and has significantly reduced damage to light armor. 国防军6管火箭的燃烧效果不会对重型装甲造成伤害,对于轻甲的伤害也将显著减少.
- With a couple of these on the field, it is quite effective at decimating armies of light armor units. 战场上有几个巨像会有效的杀死敌人的轻甲单位。