- Embrace the vibrations of the light earth dream. 拥抱并融入地球光明梦想的振动。
- Buddha ascended in the light earth dream. 佛陀在光明地球梦想中提升。
- I intend to enter the light earth dream that supports my choice to ascend. 我意愿进入支持我提升选择的地球光明梦想。
- I intend to sit in the light earth dream to foster my ascension journey. 我意愿身处光明地球梦想中来培育我的提升旅途。
- I intend to anchor and live in a light earth dream that supports my continued evolution. 我意愿锚定和生存在支持我继续进化的地球光明梦想之中。
- I intend to anchor the light earth dream in my region of origin and wherever I travel. 我意愿在我所在地区和任何我旅行过的地区,锚定地球光明梦想。
- In the light earth dream, all shall vie to weave the dream together to foster an evolutionary cycle ahead. 在地球光明梦想中,所有人都将一起努力编制梦想以培育前方的进化周期。
- The angels may anchor new tones of creation or vibrations in your field to attune you unto the light earth dream. 天使们将在你的场中锚定创造物或振动的新音调,将你谐调到地球光明梦想中。
- Allow the vibrations of the light earth dream to begin to nurture the etheric body. 允钗a球光明梦想的振动开始滋养乙太身体。
- Buddha inflated the light earth dream creating pattern after pattern to foster his evolution to the fourth dimension. 佛陀膨胀了光明地球梦想,制造了一个又一个模式来培育去往第四密度的进化。
- The light earth dream serves ascension as it strives to piece together all that has fallen a part over time. 光明地球梦想为提升服务,它努力将所有经时光流逝而裂成碎片的部分拼合在一起。
- Over the ocean is only light earth dream at this time that is spun concurrent with the new Great Central Sun dream. 此刻,跨越大洋的只有光明地球梦想,它与新的大中枢太阳梦想同步旋转。
- Allow all parts of the etheric body to be bathed in the vibrations of the light earth dream. 允许以太身体的所有部分沐浴在地球光明梦想的振动中。
- So it is the lakes that each will attune unto in Switzerland to expand the light earth dream at this time. 因此,正是这些湖泊,将是在此刻瑞士每个人接通来扩展光明地球梦想的地方。
- A relatively closed nose, with red cherries, light earth, butter, lightly perfumed apricot syrup and a bit of spice. 相对内敛的香气,带红樱桃味和淡淡的泥土清香,具有淡淡的甜杏香气和香料味。
- Allow the vibrations of the light earth dream to dissolve ties of attachment to others in your life dance. 允许地球光明梦想的振动把你生命之舞中捆绑到其他人的连接全部溶解。
- Boxes and pyramids do not allow the rotational energy to flow that hosts a light earth dream. 方盒及金字塔并不允许拥有光明地球梦想的旋转能量流动。
- Now let us anchor the healing temples for ascension and light earth dream into your home. 现在让我们锚定疗愈神殿,让提升与地球光明梦想进入你的家庭。
- Inner earth humans inflated the light earth dream for their own evolutionary purposes. 地心人类为了自己进化的目的而膨胀了光明梦想。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。