- light roof truss 轻型屋架
- The double groove steel is suspended under the two nodes of bottom chord of steel roof truss to prevent the bottom chord from stretch bending. 文章论述了在设计中采用钢屋架下弦两节点下悬吊双槽钢作为分布梁避免钢屋架下弦拉弯工作。
- The Application of the Prestressed Concrete of Bonded Post Tensioning in the Construction of a Large Span Roof Truss. 后张法有粘结预应力砼在大跨度屋架施工中的应用
- An example of a timber roof truss having a single post is given in Fig. 11, which illustrates an isometric view of a common form of roof construction. 图11所示为带一个立柱的木屋顶桁架的示例。它展示的是一个普通屋顶结构的轴侧图。
- Suspended equipments on the lower chord level of the roof truss exceed those of any other hangars in China both in numbers and in weights. 屋盖下弦布置悬挂设备的数量和吊重均为国内机库之首位。
- The machinery used in the construction of arch roof truss of grain reserve depot in Xianyang as well as operation key points are introduced. 介绍了咸阳市粮食储备库拱板屋架的施工机具设备以及操作要点,探讨了拱板在屋面预制施工中的关键环节,并提出了操作要点,保证了工程的施工质量。
- Abstract In this paper, the basic method of the prestressed concrete of bonded post tensioning in the construction of a large span roof truss and the realization of using the XM anchorage is expounded . 本文结合工程实际论述了后张法有粘结预应力砼在大跨度屋架施工中的基本工艺以及XM系列锚具的应用体会。
- To the engineering defect that the concrete strength is not up to the design strength required in the construction of roof truss with arch plate, the crack-resisting analysis is preceded. 结合工程实例,针对粮食仓库建设中拱板屋盖施工混凝土强度未达到设计强度的工程问题,进行T拱板屋盖下弦的抗裂分析和计算。
- The main water leakage of glass lighting roof comes from rainwater,seepage and condensate water. 玻璃采光顶的主要漏水水源是明水、渗水、冷凝水。
- vertical tie post in a roof truss. 支持屋顶的三角形桁架中平行的直柱。
- Monitoring of Guangzhou Gymnasium Steel Roof Truss 广州体育馆钢结构屋架安装监测
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- The transparent lighting roof, which can be opened, is adopted to realize ventilation, lighting and adjustment of the indoor environment of the Velodrome. 采用可开启透明中心采光顶,实现透气、采光和调节室内环境的功能。
- Light roofs made up of wooden beams and of beaten earth mixed with straw covered the squat rooms, and they were reached from open courtyards through a flight of stone steps. 轻巧的屋顶由木梁和混合了稻梗的泥土制成以覆盖住矮屋子,而且他们可以由一段石阶连接上露天的大院。
- Roof truss lower chord elevation 屋架下弦标高
- This article analyses the factors which have an effect on joint waterproofing of glass lighting roof and discusses joint design and sealant material selection. 分析了影响玻璃采光顶屋面接缝密封防水效果的几个因素,重点对接缝的设定和密封材料的选择作了探讨。
- Lifting Technology for Large Span Steel Roof Truss 大跨度钢屋架吊装技术
- Once all the walls have been built and temporarily braced, the roof trusses are placed and secured into position. 一旦所有墙体建好并临时支撑后,放置屋顶桁架并固定就位。