- Lightening is usually accompanied by thunder. 闪电总与雷鸣相伴。
- Heavy rain came on the heels of the lightening. 大雨紧跟着闪电而来。
- lightening earthling 引雷入地
- More lamps will lighten the gloomy room. 多点几盏灯会照亮那间阴暗的房间。
- If you want to lighten the weight, had better eat little bread. 如果你想减轻体重,最好少吃面包。
- Earthling as I am, why not muddle along once more? 俗子如我,再淌一趟这样的混水,又有何妨?
- A lightening splits the dark sky. 一道闪电划破了黑暗的天空。
- Shall we rob some earthling factories or mines? 要不,我们去打劫碳基的工厂或矿区??
- Earthling most painful thing than this. 人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。
- Cargo or equipment thrown overboard to lighten a ship in distress. 投弃物当船遇难时为了减轻船重而抛至船外的货物或设备
- The lightening splintered a tree. 闪电把一棵树劈开了。
- The sky was beginning to lighten. 天空开始在改变颜色。
- Loud thunder comes hard on the heels of lightening. 巨大的雷声紧跟着闪电而来。
- What the lightening of happiness has told me. 告诉他们我的幸福。
- A human inhabitant of the planet Earth; an earthling. 地球上的人类居民;地球人
- Measures have been taken to lighten the load of the hospital doctors. 业已采取措施减轻医院医生的工作量。
- Suddenly there was a flash of lightening. 忽然间,一阵闪电出现。
- Franklin discovered that lightening is electricity. 富兰克林发现闪电就是电。
- Lightening ripped the cloudy night sky. 闪电划破乌云密布的夜空。
- It is thundering and lightening . 雷电交作。