- The light steel frame structure with characteristic of good performance and light self-weight is highly receipted by the designers for its merits. 轻钢框架结构因其具有良好的结构性能、自重轻等特点,日渐得到广大设计人员的推崇,又因节能、环保等优点得到政府部门的肯定。
- The steel frame structure was not invented by Mies. 钢框架结构没有发明的密斯。
- The Exhibition Hall will feature a modern light steel web frame structure, with a net height of 13 metres and 1700 exhibition booths. 展馆采用现代化的轻钢网架结构,馆内净高13米,可安排1700个展位;
- The Exhibition Hall will feature a modern light steel web frame structure,with a net height of 13 metres and 1700 exhibition booths. 展馆采用现代化的轻钢网架结构,馆内净高13米,可安排1700个展位。
- This company monopolizes mounting decoration of light steel frame, the ceiling compartmented, metal aluminum sheet. 本公司专营装璜工程装饰用之轻钢架,天花板隔间,金属铝板。
- Research on the equivalent method of super steel frame structure with two types of braces is conducted in this paper. 对人字型支撑和十字交叉型支撑的巨型钢框架结构的等效方法进行了研究。
- Mies gave steel frame structure esthetic significance by simplifying it to its intrinsic form to express the grid. 密斯了钢框架结构的审美意义简化到其内在的形式表示,网格。
- Then apply the FBG sensors to strain and acceleration measurement of a steel frame structure and the model dynamic characteristics tests under simulated earthquake. 将光纤光栅传感器应用于钢架冲击荷载作用下动态响应监测及模拟地震激励下的模型动力特性监测。
- light door-like steel frame structure 轻型门式刚架结构
- A jacket type offshore platform CII located in Bohai Bay was modeled as a steel frame structure and the FEM software ANSYS was applied to study dynamic characteristics of the structure. 将位于渤海湾的CII导管架海洋平台看作空间钢架结构,应用ANSYS软件对导管架平台进行动力学分析,得到平台的基本动力学参数;
- Some valuable suggestions are put forward on how to improve the seismic resistance of unsymmetrical light steel frames according to the results. 根据分析结果提出了改善非对称空间轻钢结构抗震性能的建议。
- The huge steel frame structures that are needed to hold and cross-brace the billboard are actually wasting a lot of space, energy and potential. )支持广告牌的巨大的钢架结构,事实上浪费了大量的空间,能源和潜力。
- Some Problem on the Design of Portal Rigid Frame Structure With Light Steel 门式刚架轻钢结构设计的几个问题
- This paper summarizes two aspects of an on-going investigation at UC Berkeley that focuses on the seismic behavior of concentrically braced braced steel frame structures. 有关综合大学正在进行的对集中支撑钢架的抗震性能评估,本文总结了两个方面。
- Node Design for Steel Frame Steel Frame Structure 冷换框架钢结构节点设计
- The cracks'reason analysis of light steel frame and papered gypsum 轻钢龙骨纸面石膏板裂缝原因分析
- non-symmetric planar steel frame structure 平面不规则框架
- Beijing Light Steel Framing Co., Ltd 莱特轻钢简介
- The SMA damper seismic control effects of a steel frame structures are simulated via ANSYS according to SMA damper's transformation parameter, size, pre-strain, location and the placed ways and means. 并将SMA阻尼器布置在钢框架结构中,用计算机模拟了合金相变参数值、合金的尺寸、预应变、合金在结构中放置方式及位置等变化对结构减隔震效果的影响。