- Investigation and Analysis of a Typical Lighting Strike Accident 对一起典型雷击事故的调查分析
- Analysis of the Cause of a Communication Fiber Lighting Strike Accident and its Lighting-prevention Method 一次通信光缆雷击事故的原因分析及其防雷措施
- Discussion on How to Strengthen the Lighting-prevention Work in Country in View of a Lighting Strike Accident 从一次雷击事故看如何加强农村雷电防御工作
- The Cause of a Lighting Strike Accident to the Computer System of Financial Office of Shiyan City and its Mending Measures 十堰市财政局计算机信息系统遭雷击原因与整改措施
- lighting strike accident 雷击事故
- The biggest concern is whether the launch pad was damaged by a lighting strike. 最受关注的是轻微的碰击是否损坏发射垫。
- The light strikes through the darkness. 那道光亮划破了黑暗。
- We also discuss how to improve OPGW performance against lighting strike in some aspects such as transmission line design,the OPGW types selection and OPGW maintenance. 并从输电线路的设计、OPGW光缆的选型设计和运行维护等方面综合考虑,对如何提高OPGW光缆的耐雷水平作一些探讨。
- Light fell on her face; The light struck the golden necklace. 灯光照在她的脸上;灯光照在金项链上。
- When light strikes these atoms, some electrons are knocked loose. 当光线冲击这些原子时,一些电子被冲击而松动出来。
- OPGW is an important element of electrical power system,it is not only used for ground wire against lighting strike to protect transmission line ,but also as fiber optic cable to transmit information. 架空地线复合光缆O(PGW)作为电力系统的重要组成部分,广泛地应用在架空输电线路上,兼具着架空地线和光纤通信双重功能,在电力系统中起着防雷保护和传输信息的作用。
- Since her accident she can only do light work. 她出事以后只能做轻活儿了。
- Double Stages Of Lighting Strike 武器:双段月斩
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- Some new information has come to light about the accident. 关于那次事故,已经了解到一些新的情况。
- performance against lighting strike 耐雷水平
- Failures and damages caused by force majeure, including fire, flood, earthquake, and lighting strikes. 因火灾、洪水、地震、雷击等不可抗拒的自然灾害而引起的故障和损坏。
- Light-diffusing particles, which reflect and refract light striking the skin's surface, making your skin appear smoother, more even and wrinkle-free. 蕴含柔光粒子,改善肌肤纹理,使用后肤色更均匀、柔滑、细致,有效减少皱纹和幼纹产生。
- The analysis on a lightning strike accident of a country tax bureau's information system in a power plant 某电厂国税局信息系统雷击事故调查分析
- The portrait shows fine effects of light and shade. 这幅肖像画的浓淡色调表现得很好。