- lighting control technique 照明控制技术
- The method of testing the purity of hybrid rice seeds with the heat of hot springs and light control techniques 利用温泉热能与控光技术鉴定杂交稻种子纯度的研究与应用
- Chemical Control Technique for Seed Pest in Picea crassifolia kom. 青海云杉种实害虫化学防治技术。
- Congestion control technique is important for B-ISDN. B-ISDN是现代通信网的发展方向,而其中的拥塞控制技术则是一个重要方面。
- The well trajectory control technique is focally discussed. 重点介绍了其井眼轨迹控制技术。
- Talk about the Design of Green Lighting Control System in Baotou Station. 结合包头火车站绿照明控制系统的设计。
- KYOSHO's proven center-shaft drive 4WD provides light control response. kyosho的证明,中心轴驱动越野车提供照明控制的反应。
- Studies on the non-pullution control technique of Ceroplastcs japonicus Gr. 枣龟蜡蚧壳虫无公害防治技术研究。
- Safe net system is a passive control technique for rockfall in recent years. 危岩是我国山地一种主要地质灾害类型,拦石网是近年应用的一种落石柔性被动防护系统。
- Are statistical quality control techniques used? 是否使用了质量控制统计技术?
- But electrohydraulic synchronous control technique is not well developed. 但目前电液同步控制技术还不是十分成熟,由于电液系统本身具有非线性、不确定性和时变性等特点,从而制约了其同步性能的进一步提高。
- Management control techniques (Proficiency Level) . 管理控制技术(要求熟练掌握)。
- Lading the world in architecture lighting and network stage lighting control technology. 领先全球的网络化舞台灯光及环境艺术照明控制技术。
- In the bedroom, in order to ensure peaceful rest environment, the curtains Weiman You should use quality fabrics, lighting control and outside noise. 在卧室,为了保证宁静的休息环境,应选用质地厚实的窗帘帷幔织物,控制光线和外界噪声。
- The poorer light control in the TMB 152 is probably due to the Orion flex-shield used as dewshield for the TMB 152. (我认为)TMB152稍逊的眩光控制可能和它采用的遮光罩(Orion牌)有关(注:这个TMB152镜筒是从Synta152镜筒移植过来的)。
- Auto-disturbance-rejection control (ADRC) technique is the latest achievement of nonlinear PID control technique. 自抗扰控制(ADRC)技术是非线性PID技术的新发展。
- More fine-tuned light control and more use and servicing of blinds could easily ameliorate these issues. 要改善这些问题很容易:多使用照明控制设备,百叶窗,并对旧百叶窗进行维修就可以了。
- Application and Analysis of Seepage Control Technique with Vertically Paving Membrane in Qingtongxia Irrigation Area. 垂直铺膜防渗技术在青铜峡灌区的试用及分析。
- Photocontrol in USA and UK styles with bi-metal, relay and electronic control for indoor and outdoor lighting control by turning on/of at fixed illuminations. 欧式及美式路灯控制器系列。产品范围包括双金,继电器和电子式控制和工作原理,用于户内外灯光控制,或独立使用或灯具内装。
- Application on Looper Control Technique in Bar Production Line of Shanxi Hongyang Iron and Steel Co. 活套控制技术在宏阳钢铁公司棒材生产线中的应用。