- like an egg striking a rock 鸡蛋碰石头
- An egg should not wrestle with a rock. 鸡蛋决不要拿石头碰。
- Striking a rock the bullet bounced off. 子弹打在岩石上反弹开了。
- Pluto's orbit is stretched-out, like an egg. 而冥王星的轨道拉长了,像个鸡蛋。
- But was your head shaped like an egg before she hit you? 不过在没有受伤之前你的头型就像鸡蛋这样么?
- A flying cow hit the ground and smashed like an egg. 一头牛飞驰而过,撞到地面,像个鸡蛋落地一样,立即粉身碎骨。
- In her view, the C.D.P. was “banging an egg against a rock. 在钟阿姨眼里,CDP的所作所为无异于鸡蛋碰石头。
- The body of a fantail goldfish is something like an egg. 扇尾金鱼的身子很像一个鸡蛋。
- Qie, want to fight with me, he is no less than hurling an egg against a rock. 切,想和我斗,简直是以卵击石。
- The ship struck a rock at the entrance. 那艘船在进港时触礁了。
- My leaf is like an egg, like a needle, like a feather, like a mushroom. 这棵植物的叶子是卵形的、针形的、披针形(羽毛形)的、盾形的(香菇形)的!
- All of a sudden,the ship struck a rock. 突然间船触礁了。
- The ship struck a rock and started to sink. 船撞在礁石上开始下沉。
- The ship struck a rock, and began to sink. 船撞上了礁石并开始下沉。
- All of a sudden the ship struck a rock. 突然,船撞到了岩石上。
- Sometimes very tough, like a castle, impenetrable; People are often very fragile, like an egg, the first blow. 人有时候很倔强,犹如城堡,坚不可摧;人有时候很脆弱,犹如鸡蛋,不堪一击。
- All of a sudden, the ship struck a rock. 突然间船触礁了。
- What did the girl do when the boat struck a rock? 当小船撞到了一块礁石后那个女孩做了什么?
- This would enable the hand, for example, to recognise an object like an egg and know how to pick it up without breaking it. 这种技术也许能够使机械手识别出一个像鸡蛋这样的物体,并且知道怎么把它拿起来才不会打碎它。
- Kiwi, like an egg as big as some sharp, wearing a furry of cotton-padded jacket, Actinidia receptacle on one end called the other side called pedicle. 猕猴桃、像鸡蛋一般大有些尖尖的,穿着一件毛茸茸的的棉袄,猕猴桃一端叫花托另一端叫蒂。