- limen insulae [医] 岛阀
- Limen insula 岛阈
- Britannia et Sicilia insulae sunt. 不列颠和西西里都是岛屿。
- Difference limen (07) The minimum change in stimulus that can be detected. 最小可覺差(07)感官能夠區別差異的最小刺激。
- The insular cortex, also known as the insula, lies deep inside the brain. 岛叶皮层亦称为脑岛,它位于大脑内部深处。
- When Hb reach the peak value, the curve of anaerobic limen moves left and there is an increase of aerobic ability. 血红蛋白高峰时,无氧阈曲线右移,有氧能力提高。
- Across the board, areas in the medial frontal gyrus, right putamen, premotor cortex and medial insula activated. 所有人的中央前回、右壳核、前运动皮层和中间脑岛的区域被激活。
- Both situations activated the same regions of the anterior insula and the anterior cingulate cortex in the subjects. 在这两种情况下,受试者脑中的前脑岛以及前扣带皮质,都有相同位置出现活化。
- Objective To provide the microanatomy for surgical operation in the region of the insula. 目的为大脑岛叶区域的手术操作提供显微解剖参数。
- But he says damage to the insula does seem to destroy a necessary link in the smoking addiction. 但是他认为脑岛损伤看起来确实破坏了与烟瘾之间的必然联系。
- Antoine Bechara said the insula is not the only area of the brain involved in cigarette addiction. 安托万别查拉说,脑岛不是脑部唯一与烟瘾有关联的部位。
- Objective To study the efficacy of microneurosurgery on tumor in the sylvian fissure insula area . 目的研究显微手术治疗对外侧裂脑岛区肿瘤的疗效。
- This may suggest that the insula is more responsible for dependencies that come from a learned pleasure, like smoking. 这也许暗示了脑岛是许多后天养成的依赖,像吸烟。
- Obiously, any anti-smoking treatment affecting the insula would need to presere its beneficial functions. 显而易见的是,任何通过影响脑岛抵抗吸烟的治疗需要保留有益的功能。
- Damage to the insula can lead to apathy, loss of libido and an inability to tell fresh food from rotten. 脑岛的损伤会引起情感淡漠、欲望减少、无法辨别新鲜与变质的食品。
- Researchers have previously shown that damage to the insula can dramatically extinguish a smoker's need for nicotine. 岛叶皮质是大脑深层负责过滤身体的生理状态和需求的区域。科学家在之前的研究中曾发现破坏岛叶皮质会极大降低吸烟者对于尼古丁的需求。
- Loss of smoking addiction occurred in only four of 19 patients without insula damage. 研究结果发现,岛叶受损的19人中有13人成功戒烟,至今没有反复;
- What is the insula and how could it possibly exert such profound effects on human behavior? 脑岛是什么?如何对人类的行为产生深远的影响?
- This result suggests that the insula is a critical neural substrate in the addiction to smoking. 结果表明,岛叶是(发生)烟瘾的关键性神经基质。
- For example, lesions in the frontal insula can wipe out the ability to appreciate the emotional content of music. 比如,前脑岛损失病人会丧失对音乐的情感欣赏能力。