- To BUY: place a Buy Limit Order with a Limit Price. 买入股票:选用限价买盘,而输入的限价要高于市场的沽出叫价。
- To SELL: place a Sell Limit Order with a Limit Price. 沽出股票:选用限价沽盘,而输入的限价要低于市场的买入叫价。
- Use Limit Price prudently to control the cost and lost . 利用限价来控制成本及损失。
- However, if the order is executed, the price will be equal or higher than the Limit Price. 然而,成交价一定会相等或高于限价。
- You do not need to set a limit price and your order will be executed at prevailing market price at time of execution. 您不需要指定限价,您的指令会以处理指示时之市场现价执行。
- The principle is to hold a long or short position first using the limit price, or the “market price +Toler”. 其概念是先开一个长仓或短仓(以左边设定的限价盘价格,或“市场价+追价”开仓);
- Entrustment price is divided into market price and limited price. 委任价格分为市场价格和限制价格;
- In order to place a Sell Stop Order, you can use our Sell Stop-Limit Order function by setting the limit price to a relatively low price. 如要发出止蚀沽盘指令,阁下可选用限价止蚀沽盘并将限价设定为一个较低的价格。
- A Buy Limit Order can only be executed at the Limit Price or lower, and a Sell Limit Order can only be executed at the Limit Price or higher. 限价买盘只会按限价或更低的价位执行,而限价沽盘只会按限价或更高的价位执行。
- To activate stop loss function at the Stop Price, at which your shares will be sold at the market price but not lower than the Lowest Limit Price. 以止蚀价启动止蚀功能,股票将以当时市价沽出但不会低过最低限价。
- Investors who sell and buy securities through the securities companies with which they have opened accounts shall entrust the companies by adopting market price or limit price. 投资者通过其开户的证券公司买卖证券的,应当采用市价委托或者限价委托。
- A situation in which a security's rising price compels investors who have placed buy limit orders to repeatedly raise their limit price or have their orders ignored. 因抵押品升值迫使投资人提高标价或放弃投标。是指投资者大量买进某一证券而导致其出价不断攀高。
- As of 10:16 timeshare unit continued to limit price of 2.84 yuan, while single-letter limit has been accumulated to 25,636 hand, it seems that trading is expected to close today. 截止到10:16分时该股继续报2.;84元的涨停价,同时涨停封单已经累积到25636手,看来今日有望涨停收盘。
- Experts robust debate political: whether the government should not intervene to limit prices? 专家激辩新政:政府究竟该不该出面限制房价?
- Limited price charge for single disease is one kind of hospital administration mode,it means limit the cost for one single disease patients. 单病种限价收费是医院经营的一种管理模式,是指在临床诊疗收费中,对单一病种病人限定最高费用的做法,是医院的一种自发行为。
- The results suggest that weighted average limit price and the concentration of limit price are related to the issue price, and the level of oversubscription is minor factor to price setting. 相较于国外投资银行,我国承销商在订价时并未大幅参考投资人圈购时所提供之资讯。
- The price of grain should be an overt competifive price in market. State draws up the lowest protective and highest limited price of grain only. 对于粮食价格,必须在市场上公开竞争中形成,国家只管最低保护价和最高限价。
- The clerk attached a price tag to each article. 店员给每一件商品系上标价签。
- It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price. 几乎不可能商定一个划一的基本价格。
- She peered at the tag to read the price. 她细看标签以看清价格。