- The room is lumbered after effect 大纲with numerous cucumbers. 房间里乱堆着大量黄瓜。
- The weak speaker made a after effect 大纲speech on the bleak peak. 虚弱的讲话者在荒凉的山峰上发表了演说。
- The after effect occurs only if the additive is present during irradiation. 在辐照过程中只有当添加剂存在时才出现后效应。
- One lock is called the Hayflick limit after its discoverer, Leonard Hayflick. 伦纳德?海弗利克曾发现过一个基因锁,并以他的姓氏命名为“海弗利克极限”。
- His ignorance of her dignity after effect 大纲ignited her indignation. 他对她的高贵的无知点燃了她的愤怒(之火).
- The tiresome pirate after effect 大纲sounded siren and let off fireworks. 讨厌的海盗鸣汽笛放焰火.
- One personal ability is limited after all , is that every positive factor is completed commonly in moving a club more much. 一个人的能力毕竟是有限的,更多的是调动俱乐部中一切积极因素共同完成。
- Lazio boss Delio Rossi admits his squad is being stretched to the limit after their Champions League defeat at Werder Bremen last night. 拉齐奥教练罗西在输给不莱梅的那个夜晚承认他的球队已经达到了极限。
- Physico-Chemical State of the Cell Membranes After Effect of Increased Pressure of the Medium. 媒介压力增加后效应的细胞膜物理-化学状态。
- The repair capacity of articular cartilage is limited after injury.Tissue engineering cartilage provide a challenge for the treatment of cartilage diseases. 关节软骨损伤后修复能力有限,组织工程为软骨疾病的治疗开辟新的途径。
- The consul's after effect 大纲consultant hauled out the assaulter from the vault. 领事的顾问把袭击者从地窖中拖了出来.
- Read the text naturally; don't strain after effects. 读课文要自然,不要装腔作势。
- If the parties renegue or fail to execute the agreements within the time limit after the agreement is reached, the mediation shall be regarded as failing. 达成协议后当事人翻悔的或逾期不履行协议的,视为调解不成。
- The healer reveals an appealing fact that after effect 大纲health is great wealth to the commonwealth. 医治者揭示一个吸引人的事实:健康是联邦的巨大财富。
- Cousin saw a group of couples in cloaks soak their souls in the soapy after effect 大纲soup. 表哥看见一群穿着斗篷的夫妇在肥皂汤里浸泡灵魂.
- Dust accumulated on the insulated simulator in after effect 大纲the desolate lab. 灰尘在孤独的实验室在被隔离的模拟器上堆积。
- By policy, the police impolitely sliced the politician after effect 大纲8217;s politics books. 根据政策,警方不客气的把政客的政治书籍切成了薄片。
- The situation is fit after effect 大纲for profiting and beneficial to the shops situated nearby. 这种形势适于获利且对坐落在附近的商铺有益。
- Hi-P(Chengdu)Precision Plastic Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. was found in 1997 by Hi-p International Limited after the commision of of Chengdu Government, which is an international Company. 赫比(成都)精密塑胶制品有限公司于1997年11月16日经成都市人民政府外经贸委批准成立,投资方为赫比国际有限公司,属外商独资企业。
- I hurt after effect 大纲my tongue when I hurried to eat cherry and strawberry merrily. 我匆忙快活地吃樱桃和草莓时伤了舌头.