- limited value distribution 极值分布
- The object of value distribution is not wealth bwt value. 价值分配的对象是价值,不是财富。
- To change the server-wide query governor cost limit value. 选项可以更改服务器范围的查询调控器开销限定值。
- Query governor cost limit value for the current connection. 覆盖当前连接的当前配置值。
- Limit value reactions are assigned to supervision parameters. 对极限值的反应分派给管理程序。
- In selecting the upper limit value, sufficient room shall be maintained. 在选择压力表的上限值时应留有充分的余地。
- In chapter 1, we briefly introduce the value distribution theory of meromorphic function. 第一章, 扼要介绍亚纯函数值分布理论的主要概念、基本结果和常用记号。
- Molecular techniques, such as plasmid profiles, have also been of limited value in identifying individual strains of Vibrio cholerae. 在个别霍乱弧菌的菌株鑑定上,分子生物技术如质体图谱的价值也是有限的。
- In chapter one,we state a few usual notations, definitions and basic results in value distribution theory of meromorphic function . 第一章,我们给出本文所要用到的一些亚纯函数值分布理论的方面的基础知识,常用记号和一些基本结果。
- Mr Roberts has a strong preference for making “narrow” decisions that have limited value as precedents. 罗伯茨先生对于做出判例价值有限的“偏狭”决定具有强烈的偏好。
- Using the value distribution theory of meromorphic,this paper considers the unicity problem for meromorphics and some known results are generalized. 应用亚纯函数值分布理论;研究了亚纯函数的唯一性问题;对以往的一些结果进行了一种推广.
- For the dirty secret of the Human Genome Project is that knowing the genes alone is of limited value. 因为人类基因组计划(HGP)的晦暗秘密使单独了解基因只有有限的价值。
- Stricter acceptable tolerance limit values for customers/sales. 加严的顾客/销售接受容差限值。
- Conclusion The result has important theory significance for control system stability, characteristic value distribution, and system of linear equations iterative solution. 结论此结果对于控制系统的稳定性、特征值分布、线性方程组迭代解等方面都具有重要的理论意义。
- Mr Roberts has a strong preference for making "narrow" decisions that have limited value as precedents. 罗伯茨先生对于做出判例价值有限的“偏狭”决定具有强烈的偏好。
- The low numerical value distribution of these two types trace elements in the Aeolian sand facies represents erosion and accumulation under wind force during the cold-dry climate. 这两种类型元素在风成沙中呈现的含量低值揭示了其时干旱寒冷气候作用下风力的侵蚀搬运与堆积作用;
- Radiographic pelvimetry is of limited value in managing most cephalic presentations. 大多数头先露时放射骨盆测量价值有限。
- Lechner J A, Simiu E, Heckert N A. Assessment of "Peaks Over Threshold" method for estimating extreme value distribution tail[J]. Structural Safety. 1993, 12(?): 305-314. 段忠东;欧进萍等.;极值风速的最优概率模型[J];土木工程学报;录用待发表
- The mean value distribution properties of acting on the dual Smarandache Ceil function by the Dirichlet divisor function is the second problem of this thesis. 第二个问题,研究了Dirichlet 除数函数作用于对偶Smarandache Ceil函数的均值分布性质。
- Unless a victim has been subjected to signals that affect the physical structure of the brain, the MRI is of limited value. 除非一个受害者服从于影响了大脑自然结构的信号,核磁共振扫猫的价值是有限的。