- Immunity experiment results indicated that FH2934,FH2962 and F2895 elicited special antibodies to Fipronil, and the titers are 25,600,12,800 and 12,800 ,respectively, when tested by indirect ELISAO The most tow limited quality is as low as 0.2 ppb. 结果在编号为FH2934、FH2962、F2895的大白兔体内产生了特异性抗体,用间接ELISA测定其效价分别为:102,400、52,400、52,400,其中检现测低限(LLQ)最低达0.;2ppb。
- Even the best quality rubber will perish with age. 就是最佳质量的橡胶也会因老化而腐烂。
- Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 质地精美上乘的物品现在不多见。
- The man had the quality for leading the people. 那个人具备领导民众的才能。
- Her most essential quality is kindness. 她最主要的品质是善良。
- Surely there is a limit to what one can bear. 人的忍耐肯定是有限度的。
- She fingered the silk to feel its quality. 她摸了摸这块绸料看质量如何。
- The proposal set a time limit of one year. 提案规定了一年的限期。
- It is not price but quality that sells our shoes. 我们的鞋好卖不是因为价钱低而是因为质量好。
- What's the speed limit on the motorway? 高速公路的速度限制是多少?
- Our quality is based solely on our sales samples. 我们的质量完全以货样为准。
- He was had up for exceeding the speed limit. 他因超速行驶而遭控告。
- Her poetry has an elegiac quality. 她的诗有伤感的情调。
- He weighed in at several pounds below the limit. 他赛前量体重比规定限度少几磅。
- The rarest quality in an epitaph is truth. 墓志铭的难能可贵之处是真实。
- This cloth is of medium quality. 这种布质量平平。
- We must try and limit our expenditure. 我们必须设法限制我们的开支。
- The music has an ethereal quality. 这段乐曲给人一种飘渺的感觉。
- His speech ran over the time limit. 他的讲话超过了规定的时间限制。
- In our work quality counts for as much as quantity. 在我们的工作中,质量跟数量同等重要。