- Building Project Management Office On- line On- line Project Manage- ment Oveawiew I. 我的工程网--网络工具促进建筑业多元化发展。
- It may wholy stop earring water within 2-3 years and the Yanchi petro-carring water line project may have new water crisis. 盐池县水资源时空分布又很不均衡,地下水水质也较差,要解决人饮问题只能坚持从实际出发,因地制宜,多水源、多渠道来解决。
- Some technical problems of distribution line project design for retrofit of urban power grid are introduced. 介绍江西城网改造配电线路工程设计上存在的一些技术问题。
- And enters the lake using the northward rerouting of southern river east line project to direct the ditch to solve an old Hunan row of problem. 并利用南水北调东线工程进湖引渠解决老湖南排问题。
- This paper has discussed how to select geoidal model and how to determine normal height in GPS survey of long distance transmission line project. 就长距离超高压送电线路工程的GPS测量中如何选择大地水准面模型,如何确定GPS测量的高程等问题进行了讨论。
- It is already a necessary choice for all the cou ntries to push forward government on line project and construct electronic gover nment (e-government). 推进政府上网,构建“电子政府”,已是世界各国的必然抉择。
- FC approved the resubmitted proposal for a remuneration package for the Chairman of the Appeal Board appointed by CE to hear the appeal case on the Spur Line project. 财委会批准当局重新提交的获行政长官委任聆讯支线工程计划上诉个案的上诉委员会主席酬金方案。
- FC considered a proposal for a remuneration package for the Chairman of the Appeal Board appointed by CE to hear the appeal case on the Spur Line project. 财委会考虑获行政长官委任聆讯支线工程计划上诉个案的上诉委员会主席的酬金方案。
- Materials of bolts (studs) and nuts used for nozzle flange shall be selected according to CIBA 3rd Line Project Piping Materials Classification (CSTL-T1300/H103). 设备口法兰用单头螺栓(双头螺栓)及螺母的材料根据CIBA第3条线工程管道材料等级表(CSTL-T1300/H103)选择。
- The compose according to value and cost is didymous finally south water north is moved east price of the water in line project made a principle have preliminary research. 最后根据价值与成本的构成对南水北调东线工程中水价制定原则进行了初步研究。
- Line project lay railway track used three of the country and even the world's leading technology Jianzhen, when passengers aboard will be more comfortable. 三号线铺轨工程中采用了3种国内甚至世界领先的减振技术,届时乘客乘坐将更加舒适。
- This paper makes a systematic and in-depth study on the problem of timely water supply to the Yellow River through the East Line Project Diverting Water from South to North. 本文就南水北调东线工程相机向黄河补水问题,进行了系统、深入研究。
- The paper introduces localized automatic train protection (ATP) system of Jingyue line project of Changchun light rail emphasizing the significance and importance of the system and making detailed analysis on the subsystems by using structure frame chart. 本文介绍了应用在长春轻轨净月线工程中的国产化列车自动超速防护(ATP)系统,强调了本系统的意义及重要性,并且用结构框图方式对子系统进行了细化分析。
- The paper introduces the procedure of the guy manufacture in 330kV longwu transmission line project, and also it proposes the application effect of the mounted guy and its quality requirement. 文章主要介绍了 330kV龙乌线工程概况、ZVX拉线V型塔结构特点及拉线制作过程中的基础主柱锅顶至拉线棒顶点之间的高差测量、斜距丈量 ,同时还介绍了拉线制作过程中数据整理、拉线长度计算等方法和装配式拉线应用效果及质量要求。
- With Elster flow computer as example,the natural gas metering system composed of turbine flow meter and flow computer and its application in West-East Gas Line project are introduced. 以E lster流量计算机为例,介绍了涡轮流量计与流量计算机为主构成的天然气计量系统在西气东输工程中的应用以及使用情况。
- Hanzhong city lies in Qingling-Bashan mountains, as the important fountainheads of South-North Water Diversion centre line project, soil erosion in Hanzhong city is serious for a long time. 摘要汉中市位于陕南秦巴山区,是南水北调中线工程的重要水源地,长期以来水土流失严重。
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- One line cuts another at right angles. 一条线与另一条线成直角相交。
- Because the lining project will considerably affect groundwater exploitation in the Valle de Mexicali region, the Mexico Government s. 由于该衬砌工程将影响到墨西卡利河谷地区的地下水开发量,遭到墨西哥政府的强烈反对,由此引发了美、墨双方的争议。
- The printers have missed out a whole line here. 排版工人在这里漏掉了一整行。