- linear FPA 线列焦平面
- The wpa insurance cover more risk than the fpa. “水渍险”所负的保险责任比“平安险”要宽些。
- Just what is the difference between WPA and FPA? 那么,“水渍险”与“平安险”有什么区别吗?
- Insurance free of (from) particular average (fpa). 平安险(单独海损不赔)
- There is some difference between WPA and FPA. 水渍险和平安险是有些不同。
- This is the only difference between WPA and FPA. 这是水渍险和平安险唯一不同之处。
- Insurance free of(from) particular average(FPA). 平安险(单独海损不赔)
- The insurance covers FPA and War Risks only. 保险只保平安险的兵险。
- A specified arrangement used in ordering. An order need not be linear. 一种在排序中使用的特定排列。排列的次序不必是线性的。
- What risk is covered by a FPA policy? 平安险所承保的风险是哪些?
- We generally insure WPA,FPA and All Risk. 我们一般投保的是水渍险、平安险和一切险。
- The ordinate scale is linear in decibels. 纵坐标比例尺以分贝为单位是线性的。
- Here are linear measures in millimeters. 这是毫米方式的线性量度。
- A linear differential transformer has three coils. 一个直线差动变压器有三个线圈。
- Change the layer mode to linear burn. 将层模式设置为线性燃烧。
- Linear flow from low to full opening. 从小到全开的线性流。
- Besides fpa, risk of breakage and hook damage can also is covered. 除了平安险,还可投保破损险和钩损险。
- Yarn number is a measure of linear density. 纱线细度是纱线线密度的一种度量方法。
- Besides fpa,risk of breakage and hook damage can also is covered. 除了平安险,还可投保破损险和钩损险。
- The equations generated, however, are not linear. 但所形成的方程不是线性的。