- linear basis function 线性基本函数
- The comparison among linear, multilayer perceptrons, radial basis function estimators have been made. 谐波源定位估计器通过基于支持向量机算法进行设计。
- Furthermore, the gradient descent and recursion least squares are used to optimize the parameters of the basis function and the linear weight of the output layer, respectively. 同时为进一步提高网络性能,采用梯度下降法与递推最小二乘法混合学习策略,分别对基函数参数(中心与宽度)和输出层线性权值进行学习。
- Gauss linear frequency modulation wavelet is selected as base function to study wavelet spectrum, and its smoothed spectrum in time and frequency domain. 在前人工作的基础上,选用了高斯线调频小波作为基函数,研究了信号的小波谱,给出了小波谱在时间域及频率域的平滑谱并与傅里叶谱进行了比较。
- Roothaan proposed representing the Hartree Fock orbitals as linear combinations of a complete set of known functions called basis function. 罗汤建议把哈特利福克轨道表示成已知函数称基函数。
- Among them, the Radial Basis Function( RBF) neural network is a better model. 在这些预测模型中性能比较突出的是径向基函数网络(RBF)法。
- A new type of non linear self repairing control strategy based on model following method using radial basis function (RBF) neural networks is presented. 提出一种基于径向基函数(RBF)神经网络的模型跟随非线性自修复控制方法。
- Rather, the coefficient ratios between certain basis function are kept fixed at predetermined value. 更确切地说:一定基函数之间的系数的比值保持固定在预定值。
- Surface basis function of edge element is derived and implemented to discretize the integral equation in this paper. 提出并推导了任意表面棱边单元法的基函数 ,其特性和三维棱边单元法一样 ,保持切向分量连续。
- An elliptical basis function (EBF) network is proposed in this study for the classification of remotely sensed images. 椭球径向基函数神经网络(EBF)是在径向基函数(RBF)映射理论基础上的改进。
- The proposed basis functions are 3-D linear functions and the tangential components of the vectors are continuous as the traditional edge element method. 该方法保持了普通棱边单元法的基本特性;维持变量的切向分量连续.
- The nonlinear offline model of the controlled plant is built by LS-SVM with the radial basis function (RBF) kernel. 首先,用具有RBF核函数的LS-SVM离线建立被控物件的非线性模型;
- The rare suspension damping parameters of a jeep were optimized with radial basis function neural network. 以某汽车为例,采用径向基函数神经网络对后悬架的阻尼进行了优化。
- A new method is proposed for training radial basis function networks (RBFN) using the unscented Kalman filter (UKF). 摘要提出了应用无先导卡尔曼滤波器(UKF)来训练径向基神经网络(RBFN)的新方法。
- A new method was proposed to sort neural spikes using radial basis function manual neural network. 通过径向基函数神经网络的分析,对神经元脉冲电位信号提出了新的分类方法。
- In this work, MLP is substituted by a radial basis function (RBF) network, which solves these problems successfully. 通过引入径向基函数(RBF)网络替代多层感知器网络,较好地克服了这些缺点。
- Miss distance parameters are estimated by matching pursuit algorithm to search the basis function which best matches the echo signal. 通过匹配追踪算法寻找与回波信号最匹配的基函数来确定脱靶量参数。
- Radial Basis Function(RBF) ANN using Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence which is abbreviated evidence network is presented to diagnose analog circuits. 本文探讨了RBF神经网络结合D-S证据理论的D-S证据神经网络在模拟电路故障诊断上的应用。
- Abstract A new method is proposed for training radial basis function networks (RBFN) using the unscented Kalman filter (UKF). 摘要 提出了应用无先导卡尔曼滤波器(UKF)来训练径向基神经网络(RBFN)的新方法。