- In this paper,the authors first analyze linear separability of face images for gender classification. 首次从线性可分性的角度探讨了人脸图像的性别鉴别问题。
- By kernel commutation, the stylebook categorization problem is solved with less linear separability. 借助于核变换解决了散度差准则在用于文本分类时线性可分性较差的问题。
- Linear separations were seen in multiple cystic lesions, and with fluid-fluid levels if hemorrhage was associated. 肿瘤为多囊时,可见囊内有线状分隔,合并出血时,可见囊内有“液-液”平面。
- In this paper,the authors first analyze linear separability of face images for gender classification. 摘要 首次从线性可分性的角度探讨了人脸图像的性别鉴别问题。
- In this paper, we develop a DEA model based on accepted cases set and propose a classification method with piece wise linear separating hyperplane as its boundary. 引入数据包络分析方法,提出了一种基于贷款可接受案例集的dea型信用评估模型和分类边界为分段线性分离超平面的分类方法。
- The perceptron can only solve linearly separable problems. 感知机只能解决线性可分问题。
- The piecewise linear saturation characteristics of cell in a cellular neural network(CNN) and phase plane analysis method are used to realize linear separable and nonseparable Boolean expressions. 本文利用细胞神经网络(CNN)的基本处理单元一细胞的分段线性饱和输出特性和相平面分析法实现了线性可分和线性不可分布尔函数。
- This method needn't confirm whether the training examples are linear separable, and has strong ability of diminishing the effect of noises and outliers.This method is simple and easy to realize. 该方法不需要事先判定训练样本是否线性可分,具有较强的抗击噪音点和孤立点干扰的能力,并且计算简单,易于实现。
- Abstract: This paper studies the linear separability of Chinese characters through experiment and discusses the probability of applying linear classifier in Chinese character recognition. 摘 要: 本文通过实验研究了在汉字识别中应用线性分类器的可能性,考察了汉字之间的线性可分性。
- Separation from her children was a terrible wrench. 同她的孩子们分别是一项很大的痛苦。
- To solve the approximate linearly separable problem in pattern recognition, a new approximate linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) is presented. 摘要为了解决模式识别中的近似线性可分问题,提出了一种新的近似线性支持向量机(SVM)。
- Friends managed to reconcile him with his wife after years of separation. 经过多年分居后朋友们设法使他与妻子重修旧好。
- If the training data are linearly separable, we can select these hyperplanes so that there are no points between them and then try to maximize their distance. 若训练资料是可线性切割的,那就可以找到这样两个超平面使得它们之间没有点(支援向量)并试著最大化他们(之间)的距离。
- In this paper we prove a finite convergence of online BP algorithms for nonlinear feedforward neural networks when the training patterns are linearly separable. 当训练样本线性可分时;本文证明前馈神经网络的在线BP算法是有限次收敛的.
- He was unhappy because of his separation from his mother. 他因与母亲分离而感到不快。
- The long separation was a test of their love. 长期分离对他们的爱情是个考验.
- A specified arrangement used in ordering. An order need not be linear. 一种在排序中使用的特定排列。排列的次序不必是线性的。
- The separation of an electrolyte into ions of opposite charge. 电解(作用)一种电解质分解为带有相反电荷的离子的过程
- This can be a weakness in cases where the input isn't actually linearly separable, but if the input is linearly separable, it can force learning when more flexible algorithms might have more trouble. 在没有可分割的线形输入情况下,这是一个弱点,但如果输入是线形可分的,当更灵活的算法遇到更多的麻烦时,它可以强制学习。
- The ordinate scale is linear in decibels. 纵坐标比例尺以分贝为单位是线性的。