- In the liner shipping market, ship owners can rent ships to a shipping line. 在远洋班轮市场,船东可以将船舶租予船公司。
- As the competition of container liner shipping market grows severer,shipping companies should control slot allocation in order to raise revenue. 由于班轮运输业的特征,集装箱班轮企业实施收益管理是可能的而且是必要的。
- As the competition of container liner shipping market grows severer, shipping companies should control slot allocation in order to raise revenue. 摘要面对日趋激烈的市场竞争,船公司应有效地控制舱位分配以提高收益。
- liner shipping market 班轮运输市场
- I am a trainee in the Liner Shipping Company at present. 我现在大丸船运公司服务,任见习员。
- There are two types of shipping markets: the liner market and the tramp market. 航运市场分为两类:班轮运输和不定期船运输。
- liner ship market 班轮市场
- I am at present a trainee in the Liner Shipping Company. 我现在大丸船运公司服务,任见习员。
- Swire Shipping Limited is making major changes to its liner shipping network. 太古船务有限公司是作出重大改变其班轮运输网络。
- Familiar with shipping market and major players in the market. Some knowledge about major domestic chemicals terminals. 熟悉国内外租船市场和船公司,了解国内主要的液体化工港口和码头。
- Other actions that impair the dealing party or the order of the international ocean shipping market. 其他损害交易对方或者国际海上运输市场秩序的行为。
- Follow up the shipping market on daily basis. Review and improve Secco's shipping strategy on ongoing basis. 跟踪和了解航运市场动态,持续评估和改进赛科水运物流策略。
- Other actions that may impair fair competition on the international ocean shipping market. 可能损害国际海运市场公平竞争的其他行为。
- Without the operation qualification for international liner shipping a party may not engage in the business operations of international liner shipping, and may not release the schedule to the public or accept booking for shipping space. 未取得国际班轮运输经营资格的,不得从事国际班轮运输经营活动,不得对外公布班期、接受订舱。
- In the past few years, operation of bulk shipping has faced the severest challenge within the shipping related industries.The management of bulk shipping is different from liner shipping. 航运相关产业中,近年来以散装航运市场之变化最具挑战性,其策略管理有别于定期航运领域。
- The collective agreements of the liners shall not be detrimental to the fair competition and disturb the order of international shipping market. 班轮公司集体订立运价协议不得对公平竞争和国际海运市场秩序造成损害;
- Only if take the above actions, do the ferry companies keep in the indefectible position in the future competing shipping market. 只有通过上述举措,客货班轮公司才能在未来的市场竞争中立于不败之地。
- Serve as " shellback " , li Kelin of sea group president is opposite in of shipping market hazard periodic having very deep feeling. 作为一名“老水手”,中海集团总裁李克麟对航运市场风险的周期性有着很深 的感慨。
- Due to the recent BDI index has fallen below 1,000 points in the global shipping market, the economy fell significantly. 由于近期BDI指数已跌破1000点,全球航运市场景气下滑明显。