- lingula mandibulae [医] 下颌小舌
- Objective To provide the anatomical basis for preventing the ramus marginalis mandibulae nervi facialis being injured. 目的为在面侧区颌下部的手术中防止面神经下颌缘支损伤提供解剖学依据。
- Objective:To improve the understanding of X-ray features of the odontogenic keratocyst of mandibula. 目的:提高对牙源性角化囊肿X线征象的认识。
- Objective To explore an easy,safe and effective method for correction of the hypertrophy of mandibulae angle and inferior facial enlargement. 目的探索一种简便、安全、有效的下颌角肥大矫正术。
- It suggests that the antedisplacement of the mandibula have no significant affect on the posterior airway space and the profile of the corpora linguae. 前一种手术表现为舌骨后退幅度小于颌骨后退幅度,后一种手术舌骨的前徙幅度小于颌骨的前徙幅度,说明软组织的可容让性比骨组织大。
- Methods: The X-ray findings of 60 pathologically proven cases with odontogenic keratocyst of mandibula were retrospectively analyzed. 方法:回顾性分析经病理证实的60例下颌骨牙源性角化囊肿的X线资料。
- The relationship between the distance of the setback of the mandibula and the change of the measured figures were also analyzed. 舌骨垂直向变化与下颌颏部垂直向变化显著相关。
- Methods Using the data set of visible Chinese male, then undertake three-dimension reconstruction and volumetric display of masc mandibula bone. 方法应用山东男性数字化可视人数据集,在微机上对下颌骨进行计算机三维重建及立体显示。结果重建出下颌骨的三维模型。
- Results: Pilot model of mandibula, built with paper was modelled, the dimensions of the model were in agreement with the mandibula specimen. 结果: 得到了下颌骨纸质实物模型,其几何外形与下颌骨标本基本一致。
- Results Gallium chloride could increase the bone density of mandibula, widen the average width of the bone trabecular, and decrease the ration of the bone trabecular ... 结果镓盐治疗可引起大鼠颌骨骨密度增加,颌骨的平均骨小梁宽度、骨小梁百分比增加,骨小梁间距变小。
- Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of reconstruction of large mandibula defect with the association of titanium plate combined with implants and bone transplantation. 摘要目的:探讨钛板携带种植体与植骨联合修复大型下颌骨缺损的可行性。
- All the quantized figures were analyzed using paired t-test.The relationship between the distance of the setback of the mandibula and the change of the measured figures were also analyzed. 本研究认为男女虽然代偿机制不同,但下颌骨后退总体上均能使后气道前后径减小,随访结果证实这种减小是永久性的。
- Methods The height and the width of the mandibula r ramus,the locations of the mandibular foramen and the canal and so on were mea sured in 40 sides of mandibular ramus in 20 cadavers. 方法对20例40侧新鲜湿性下颌骨标本测量下颌升支的高度和宽度,下颌孔和下颌管的位置等。
- The author identified and measured 5 landmarks of mandibula two times according to ten digital cephalometric radiographs selected randomly, then the mean error of measurements were determined. 随机选择10张数字化头颅侧位定位片,由作者对下颌骨上的5个测量指标进行先后两次定点和测量,然后对两次测量结果进行比较,检验重复测量误差的大小,是否对测量结果有影响。
- condyloideus mandibulae Processus [医] 关节突
- septa interalveolaria mandibulae 下颌骨牙槽隔
- trberositas pterygoidea mandibulae [下颌骨]翼肌粗隆
- processus condyloideus mandibulae 关节突
- Processus coronoideus mandibulae [医] 下颌骨冠突
- tuberositas pterygoid mandibulae 翼肌粗隆