- The paper uses Grey Link analysis theory to confirm foot length, foot width and highness of toe girth to be the primary parts of the toe Grey Model. 本文运用灰色关联分析理论,确定脚长、脚宽、趾围高为趾围灰色模型的主要预测部位,同时建立人体趾围尺寸灰色模型,经实验检验,预测效果良好。
- In the experiment, this paper re-ranks the results of the full text search using the website level link analysis algorithm. 本文在实验中依照站内层次链接分析算法计算出页面的重要性重新排序文本查询的结果以提高查询质量。
- Summary this paper is that the link analysis Webmetrics important research methods, intelligence is a new field of study. 本文认为链接分析法是网络信息计量学的重要研究方法,是情报学研究的新领域。
- It proved that the website level link analysis algorithm works very well for the website search compare to full text search and domain-restricted Google search. 实验证明,相对于文本查询及Google站内搜索,此站内层次链接分析算法能充分提高查询的精度。
- Traditional search engines are based on information retrieval technologies. They implement operations such as boolean queries, proximity searches, text relevance and link analysis. 自己简单翻译一下:传统的搜索引擎是基于信息检索技术。他们执行诸如布尔查询的操作,近似搜索,正文关联和连接分析。
- Link Analysis suffered from some kinds of suspicion with the rapid development from the day it burnt ten years ago, one of the main reasons was the defects of the Link Analysis Tools, which leaded to the inaccuracy of the data. 摘要链接分析自诞生至今的十余年里,蓬勃发展的同时,遭受了重重质疑,重要原因之一便是当前链接分析工具存在种种缺陷,以致统计数据准确度低。
- Schemes Against the Defects of Link Analysis Tools 当前链接分析工具的缺陷及其解决方案
- Link Analysis Method and its Application 链接分析法及其应用
- Link Analysis in Web Key Resources Discovery Web关键资源发现中的链接分析技术
- A Level Link Analysis Algorithm for Website Search 一种用于站内搜索的层次链接分析算法
- nursing error link analysis method 护理差错环节分析法
- Is there a link between smoking and lung disease? 吸烟与肺部疾病之间有关系吗?
- The act of linking a value to a particular attribute. 将一个值与一特定属性相连接的动作。
- One who draws blood for analysis or transfusion. 放血医师为化验或输血而抽血的人
- He detached a link from a chain. 他从链子上拆下一个链环。
- Israel, Palestinians restore security link. 以色列巴勒斯坦重回安全临界线。
- Railway lines link country towns with the capital. 铁路把各个城镇与首都连接起来。
- Your critical analysis helped me a great deal. 你的评论分析对我帮助很大。
- The metal was submitted to analysis. 对该金属进行了分析。
- Her analysis was correct to the nail. 她的分析极其正确。