- liquid suspension culture 液体悬浮培养
- Cell Suspension Culture of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. 杜仲细胞的悬浮培养。
- CEV cln replicate in cell suspension cultures. CEV可以在悬浮细胞中复制。
- Establishment of the suspension culture on cell line from embryo in Lycium barbarum L. 枸杞胚细胞悬浮培养系统建立的研究。
- The progress epitomizes the process on callus culture,suspension culture and ferment of Panax quinquefolium's cell. 概述了国内外在西洋参愈伤组织培养、细胞悬浮培养和发酵培养方面的研究进展情况。
- In the thesis, we tried to transfer the novel non-lytic system to suspension culture in spinner flask. 另外一方面,有文献利用杆状病毒作为载具,将外来基因送入哺乳动物细胞表现,且不会对哺乳动物细胞的生长造成影响。
- To induce callus tissues and establish suspension culture of Marchantia polymorpha L. 目的探计对地钱愈伤组织的诱导和悬浮细胞培养的条件。
- The effect of brassinolide (BR) on shikonin formation in Onosma paniculatum cell suspension culture system was studied. 研究了油菜素内酯(BR)对培养的滇紫草细胞产生紫草色素的影响。
- Cell suspension culture of Saussurea medusa was cultivated with either Ce3+, La3+, Nd3+ or a mixture of rare earth elements (MRE) supplemented. 研究了稀土元素钕(Nd3+)、铈(Ce3+)、镧(La3+)和混合稀土(MRE)对摇瓶液体培养的水母雪莲细胞生长及黄酮类化合物合成的影响.
- Methods Separate the embryonic fibroblast of mice and culture with the method of suspension culture and method of trypsinization. 方法取大鼠胚胎分离成纤维细胞,分别采用细胞悬液法和胰酶消化植块培养法对其进行培养。
- In the suspension culture of Lithospermum erythrorhizon, cell growth, substrateconsumption and shikonin production were studied. 通过对紫草细胞进行悬浮培养,测定了培养基中碳源、氮源、磷酸盐等无机元素的变化;;
- Suspension culture was adopted in theproduction of coriolus versicolor, shortening the production period from cultivation. 云芝的生产采用是浮培养法,较其栽培法生产周期大大缩短。
- Regenerated plantlets were obtained in embryogenic cell suspension culture from embryogenic callus of stem slice in Hedychium coccineum Buch-Ham. 以红姜茎尖薄片胚性愈伤组织为材料建立了胚性细胞悬浮系,并获得了再生植株。
- Survival rate of G. inflata Batal suspension culture cell was 82.9% by TTC examination, and regeneration rate reached to 80.4%. 将保存后的细胞进行恢复培养,其恢复生长率可达80.;4%25。
- Tan, WS, Dai, GC, Ye, W and Shen, JP (1995) Local flow behavior of the liquid phase in an airlift bioreactor for potential use in animal cell suspension cultures, The Chemical Engineering Journal, 57: B31-B36. 谭文松,戴干策,陈志宏,陈因良(1996)动物细胞在气升式生物反应器中的死亡速率,生物工程学报,12(4):471-476。
- The suitable solid medium for PLBs after suspension culture was 1/2MS(halve all the element of the MS medium)+coconut milk 10%+agar 7 g/L (pH 5.8). 3. 液体悬浮培养后的原球茎过渡至固体培养基继续培养时,适宜的培养基为1/2MS+CM 10%25+蔗糖30 g/L+琼脂7 g/L(pH=5.;8)。
- Objective: To study the effects of endophytic aspergillus flavus on activity of oxidases in cell suspension culture of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge. 摘要目的:研究内生黄曲霉对丹参悬浮细胞次生代谢相关氧化酶活性影响,探讨丹参组织培养和次生代谢产物产生的有效诱导途径和诱导机理。
- The kinetics of Taxus cell growth and nutrient consumption was investigated using a suspension culture of Taxus cell B10. 对紫杉B10细胞系进行悬浮培养,并对其生长过程与营养物质的消耗过程进行了测定。
- The taxol release of Taxus Cuspidata cell suspension culture were studied by addition of rare earth element Ce compounds. 通过对东北红豆杉细胞紫杉醇短期释放行为的研究,发现细胞内外紫杉醇的分布均呈振荡变化。