- Cross Holding When listed corporations own securities issued by other listed corporations. 交叉持股上市公司持有其他上市公司发行的证券。
- The fact that listed corporations make false account has become a malignant tumor, which endangers market economy order seriously . 上市公司造假账的问题已经成为严重危害市场经济秩序的一个“毒瘤”。
- Hope that the discussion will focus on fundamental and maco aspect ofthese listed corporations and not about short term UP and DOWNs. 希望这个群组主要讨论宏观基本面及企业的微观面,而不是股价短期是涨还是跌。
- mine cart 矿车
- Most studies reveal that the capital structure of the listed corporations in our country conflicted with those theories. 此外,国内学者还发现我国部分上市公司融资行为有违资本结构理论框架。
- There are two kinds of indexes, viz. accounting profit and market value, to evaluate the performance of management motivation of listed corporations. 摘要反映上市公司管理层的经营业绩可归类分为两类业绩指标,即会计利润指标和市场价值指标。
- With the advancing of stock right decentralized allot revolution, the share percentage of state-owned stockholder of the listed corporations in China will decline because of the all-tradable of stock. 摘要随着股权分置改革的推进,我国上市公司国有股股权比例会经由全流通而降低。
- Can you give me a price list with specification? 你能否给我一份有规格说明的价目单吗?
- By April 4,2002,about 670 listed corporations among the 1171 listed corporations had made public their annual reports of the year 2001. Among them 628 corporations involved affiliated trades,taking 93.7 percent in the total samples. 截止2002年4月3日,沪深两市1171家上市公司中公布2001年年报的有670家,其中发生各类关联交易的有628家,占样本总数的93.;7%25。 这表明,关联交易在我国上市公司经营活动中普遍存在。
- The teacher tick off a name on a list. 老师在名单上的一个名字旁打勾。
- Leaving his name off the list was a bad slip-up. 名单上没有他的名字是个严重的疏忽。
- Your name comes before mine on the list. 名单上你的名字在我之前。
- She pinned the list up on the notice board. 她把名单钉在布告栏上。
- Her name had been scratched out of the list. 她的名字已从名单上划掉了。
- Corporations that cosponsored a marathon. 共同倡议举行马拉松比赛的公司
- Significantly New York is left out of this list. 意味深长的是纽约这个城市的名字从名单中划掉了。
- His name was deleted from the list of candidates. 他的名字被从候选人的名单上除去。
- He tried to find in the list his own name. 他试图在名单上找到自己的名字。
- Her name was expunged from the list. 她的名字已从名册上除掉。
- His name heads the list for the candidates. 他是候选人名单上的第一名。