- The judicial function of a literary critic. 文学评论家的评判职责
- I don't like to read his literary criticism. 我不喜欢读他的文学批评。
- A literary critic shall not be too subjective in his approach. 文学评论家的看法不应太主观。
- A literary critic should not be too subjective in his approach. 文学评论家的看法不应太主观.
- David Lodge is a world-famous English novelist, literary critic, and editor. 戴维·洛奇是一位享有世界声誉的英国小说家兼文学批评家,属公认的学者型作家。
- Why Literary Criticism is Responsible? 文学批评为什么负责?
- He is severe in his literary criticism. 他的文学批评十分严苛。
- Before becoming a full-time writer she was a university professor and a literary critic. 在成为职业作家之前,她是一名大学教授和文学评论家。
- Li Changzhi is the famous literary critic in the history of Chinese modem literature. 摘要李长之先生是我国现代文学史上著名的文学批评家。
- The second is that the differences were made when they imbibed and applied the methods of the feminist literary criticisms . 二是在接受和运用女性主义批评与理论的方法时产生了差异。
- Lv-Ying (1915-1969) is a contemporary literary critic, an aesthete as well as a translator. 吕荧(1915 -- 1969),当代文艺理论家、美学家、翻译家。
- As a novelist, dramatist, and literary critic, Henry James (1843-1916) occupies an important position in both American and English literary history. 作为一位小说家、戏剧家、文学批评家,亨利·詹姆斯(1843-1916)在英美文学史上都占有重要的地位。
- Baker,a prominent black literary critic,holds that blues is the characteristic of black vernacular and is the original source of black literature. 著名黑人文学批评家小贝克认为,布鲁斯音乐是黑人本土话语的典型特征,是黑人文学文本研究的原始依据和文化源泉。
- Therefore, I reiterate, literary criticism is useless. 因此我说,文学批评家无用。
- Does the "New Left" Exist in the Present Literary Criticism Circle? 当前文艺批评界存在"新左派"吗?
- David Lodge, a pre-eminent novelist and literary critic, enjoys high prestige in the world of contemporary British literature. 戴维·洛奇是当代英国文坛声誉颇高的横跨小说界和批评界的两栖作家。
- "Scold and adulation", cause the silence of literary criticism. “骂杀与捧杀”,导致评论萎缩,是文学衰寂的重要原因。 文艺评论需要实事求是的态度。
- Coleridge was esteemed by some of his contemporaries and is generally recognized today as a lyrical poet and literary critic of the first rank. 科勒律治被同时期的诗界所尊崇,直至今日也被奉为第一流的抒情诗人与文学评论家。
- Matthiessen Visiting Professorship of Gender and Sexuality", named after American studies scholar and literary critic, F. 马蒂森的名字命名,全称为“F.
- Well-known literary critic He Sanpo attributes the commercial success of younger authors to their life experiences rather than their writing. "剩余的排名名额也被大众熟知的老作家和新作家占据,包括王朔(17名,3.;15百万),韩寒(13名,3