- From North China Literary Group in Mudanjiang, like to play flute and gym. 来自牡丹江北方文工团,擅长长笛演奏,爱好体育。
- The family is not only the literary group with the amplest strength in the poetic world of that time but also have a lot of academic attainments in creation of Ci and Qu. 宋氏家族不仅是此际诗坛上实力最雄厚的创作群体,而且词曲创作亦造诣极深。
- Xidi Literature Group,represented by Xiao Ziliang,King of Jingling,was a literary group with the most scholars and of the broadest scale in the pre-Tang history of China. 以南齐竟陵王萧子良为代表的西邸文学集团,是先唐时期人数最众、阵营最大的一个文人群体,对当时文学的繁荣与发展起到了重要作用。
- Sima Qiang is the Pioneer to write biography for Jia Yi and Sima Xiang-ru in the book of Shi Ji, recording their stories and creative process and the activity of the early literary group. 摘要司马迁在《史记》中最早为楚辞作家屈原和西汉初年赋家贾谊、司马相如立传,记载了他们的生平事迹和创作经过,记载了早期文学集团的活动,并大量载录辞赋作品,为保存辞赋文献、保存辞赋研究资料作出了重大贡献。
- Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusions. 他的诗里用了很多晦涩的文学典故。
- On Literature Feature of the Social Connectives of Ye Xia Literary Group 邺下文学集团交际活动的文学特征
- The Xiao's Literary Group and the Change of Poetic Style in the Liang Dynasty 四萧文学群体与梁代诗风之变
- Do you teach your students singly or in groups? 你教学生是个别地教还是按组教?
- I don't like to read his literary criticism. 我不喜欢读他的文学批评。
- He is endowed with literary talent. 他有文学天分。
- His conversation reeks of the literary world. 他的言谈中提及文学世界。
- His literary style is still rather raw. 他的文学风格还很不成熟。
- The investigator will be divided into three groups. 所有的调查员将被分为三个小组。
- The literary genre represented by novels. 以小说表出现的文学类型
- A major new talent has burst on the literary scene. 有个惹人瞩目的新秀突然出现於文坛。
- He set out to conquer the literary world of london. 他决心赢得伦敦文学界的赞誉。
- Her book gained several literary prizes. 她写的书获得好几种文学奖。
- Rioting broke out between rival groups of fans. 双方球迷之间发生了骚乱。
- "War and Peace" is a literary classic. 《战争与和平》是一部经典文学著作。
- The party split up into two groups. 这个党分成了两派。