- A literary man lived on writing. 一名从事写作的男子靠写作生活。
- Either an author or a man interested in literature is named a literary man. 一个作者或一个对文学感兴趣的人被称作文人。
- Besides being a propagandist, the Field Mouse was also a literary man of sorts. 地老鼠不单单是个宣传家,他还会写文章哩。
- The development along this direction was greatly helped by the hobby of collecting the finest ink-stones and seals,two things which the literary man in China daily associated with. 收藏最好的砚石和印石(这两样东西是 中国文人每天接触到的)的好癖,对于这方面的发展也大有帮助。
- His spectacles, his gentle, fussy movements, and the fact that he was wearing an aged jacket of black velvet, gave him a vague air of intellectuality, as though he had been some kind of literary man, or perhaps a musician. 他的眼镜,他的轻轻的,忙碌的动作,还有他穿的那件敝旧的黑平绒衣服,使他隐隐有一种知识分子的气味,好像他是一个文人,或者音乐家。
- Such phenomenon as "a literary man is of no conduct" reveals the tragedy of literati with personality distorted wantonly and dignity ravaged ruthlessly in feudal society, and the universal contradiction between the writing and the writer as well. “文人无行”现象揭示了封建社会文人人格被肆意扭曲和无情蹂躏的悲剧,文与人的矛盾普遍存在。
- The development along this direction was greatly helped by the hobby of collecting the finest ink-stones and seals, two things which the literary man in China daily associated with. 收藏最好的砚石和印石(这两样东西是中国文人每天接触到的)的好癖,对于这方面的发展也大有帮助。
- The reminiscences of Chinese literary men,and also their letters,differ in this respect. 中国文人的回忆录以及书信在这方面是两样的。
- Some ambitious literary men forgot their old friends when promoted to high places. 一些野心勃勃的文人,一旦跻身高位就忘记了旧时的朋友。
- As a model of historical play, it is imitated in lots of long poetic dramas by literary men after Yongzheng Emperor. 作为历史剧的典范,《桃花扇》成为雍正以后众多文人传奇模仿的对象。
- It was a number of revisionist literary men of the Petofi Club who acted as the shock brigade in the Hungarian events. 匈牙利事件就是裴多菲俱乐部一批修正主义文人扮演了打先锋的角色。
- There is a great discovery still to be made in literature, that of paying literary men by the quantity they do not write. 文学最大的发现还没出现,即以没写出来的数量,付钱给文学工作者。
- The life consciousness by intoning short lives came into being after the old tradition being abandoned by the literary men in late Eastern Han Dynasty. 这种忧叹人生短促的生命意识是在旧有价值被东汉末文人否定的过程中产生的。
- The choir in praise of the philosophy and virtue of the ancient sages led to pious reverence and worship from most literary men of that time. 对英雄圣贤政治和道德的极力赞颂,使得当时大多数文人对英雄圣贤产生了宗教般的虔诚和膜拜。
- For a long time historians and literary men have argued on the Australian cultural and literary traditions which contain the social attitudes in the cultural inheritance. 长期以来,澳大利亚的历史学家、文学家常常连篇累牍地讨论该国的文化传统和文学传统,虽然定义颇多,往往莫衷一是,但是都包含着文化遗产中的社会态度。
- Hwang Yau-Tai the scholar and his music philosophy present the characteristics of emphasizing on social function and traditional Chinese literary men s thinking about beauty. 中文摘要黄友棣其人及其音乐思想,因受时代背景、文化环境因素的影响,呈现中国传统文人音乐思想的美学观点与重视社会功能的特质。
- A stunt man needs to have a good guardian angel. 当特技替身演员的得有个守护天使来保佑。
- That old man is a fount of wisdom. 那个老人有无穷的智慧。
- The accused man said he had been framed. 被告说他受人陷害了。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。