- This paper tries to delineate the unique charm of Pearl's works objectively through the objective description and analysis to her literary thinking and political view. 本文试图通过对赛珍珠文学思想和政治主张的描述与分析,客观地揭示出赛珍珠文学作品的独特魅力。
- In a deteriorating writing age, Yu Hua's writing doubtlessly expands the scope of literature, enriches the dimension of literary thinking, and defends the dignity of literature. 在“世风日下”的写作年代,余华的书写无疑拓展了文学表现的纬度和丰富了文学思考的向度,并捍卫了文学的尊严。
- Professor Wang is going to open a course in modern literary thought. 王教授将开一门现代文艺思潮的课。
- Historical circumstances aside, the fundamental reason why the western culture and literary thinking can have impact on the Burmese literature lies in the needs and receiptiveness of the Burmese literature itself. 西方文化及文艺思潮之所以能够对缅甸文学产生影响,除了有一定的环境因素和历史契机外,最根本的原因在于缅甸文学的自身需要和主动选择。
- In the Japanese Edo Period, the literary thought of "promoting virtues and punishing evils" was prevalent. 日本江户时期,“劝善惩恶”文学思想盛行。
- The German Romanticism is not only a literary thought, but also a social and political thought. 摘要德意志浪漫主义不仅是一种文学思潮,而且也是一种社会政治思潮。
- A Study on Nabokov's Literary Thinking 纳博科夫文学思想研究
- Gaoxu was one of the founders of the Southern Society, a modern revolutionary literature group. His literary thought also had era representativeness. 高旭是近代革命文学团体南社的创始人之一,他的文学思想也很有时代代表性。
- QU Qiu-bai is the important literary and artistic theoretician in our country's modern literary history, whose literary thought is very distinctive and rich in original ideas. 摘要瞿秋白是我国现代文学史上重要的文艺理论家,其文艺思想非常独特而富有创见。
- It points out that his literary thought is the direct cause in moralization and pleasure integrative features of his fictions, and he use his dramatic theory in fiction writing. 在小说结构方面他借鉴了戏曲理论“结构第一”说。
- Literary thought is dried up. 文思枯竭。
- Yuan Jie selected the poetry anthology Qiezhongji, defining its selective model and critical criterion according to his own literary thought and view of value, which fully embodied his view of literary criticism. 元结选编《箧中集》,以自身的文学思想及价值观念为择取范式与批评标准,充分体现了他的文学批评观。
- I need some time to orient my thinking. 我需要一些时间来使我的思想适应。
- Based on the prefaces and a large quantity of remarks and commentaries of Liu Chenweng's poems, this paper is to discuss about the modern hermeneutics consciousness in his literary thought. 摘要以刘辰翁的诗文序跋和大量评点批语为文献依据,简略论述了刘辰翁的文学思想具有现代之阐释学意识。
- He inherited literary tradition from ancientry to “May 4th movement” and absorbed some trend of literary thought and creative skill of fremdness and formed compatible and implicit style. 虽然他从四十年代即开始创作,但进入创作的黄金时代并产生重大影响则是在进入新时期以后。
- I couldn't persuade him to my way of thinking. 我没法说服他接受我的想法。
- Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusions. 他的诗里用了很多晦涩的文学典故。
- I am thinking maybe we can go canoeing. 我在考虑也许我们可以去划独木舟。
- It often happens that thinking lags behind reality. 思想落后于现实的事是常有的。
- I don't like to read his literary criticism. 我不喜欢读他的文学批评。