- Except refuting the unpolitical reading in Japan National Literature, how to consider the literature and politics together in literature writing is another attempt in this thesis. 论文在批驳了日本国文学界“去政治化”的啄木解读方法之外,努力探索一条如何将文艺与政治结合起来进行思考的文学写作途径。
- There is a move to liberalize literature and the Arts. 文学与艺术有自由化的动向。
- This is as true in literature and art as in politics. 政治上如此,艺术上也是如此。
- Our literature and art ought to cater to popular taste. 我们的文艺必须为大众所喜闻乐见。
- But some of our comrades rush to praise to the skies all trends in the philosophy,economics,social and political thinking,literature and art of the West,without analysing them,distinguishing the good from the bad or exercising any critical judgement. 但是,现在有些同志对于西方各种哲学的、经济学的、社会政治的和文学艺术的思潮,不分析、不鉴别、不批判,而是一窝蜂地盲目推崇。
- The enquiry is brief and to the point, telling the reader exactly what the enquiry is about. It requests the usual free literature and politely asks for an additional item: samples. 这封信简明扼要;让收信人确切清楚查询内容.;先要求索取赠阅目录;再礼貌地要求提供样本。
- A fusion of religion and politics emerged. 出现了政教合一的局面
- The first problem is: literature and art for whom? 第一个问题: 我们的文艺是为什么人的?
- Commissioner Foster is responsible for literature and arts. 福斯特专员负责文学艺术事务。
- He is the quintessence oftact and politeness. 他处世谦恭得体。
- Between literature and politics: a difficult choice for writers of reformers 在文学与政治之间:维新派文学家的两难
- Discussions of international news and politics. 关于全球政治军事的讨论。
- Aesthetics of Literature and Art ? 文艺美学
- Are sport and politics mutually exclusive? 体育与政治是分开的吗?
- Have literature and economics class on Wednesdays. 星期三有文学课和经济课。
- SCIENCE and politics are inextricably linked. 科学与政治无法分开。
- She likes classical literature and music. 她喜欢古典文学和古典音乐。
- War is madness and politics a pack of lies. 战争是疯狂的行为,而政治是一派胡言。
- Literature and art reflect their era. 文学和艺术都反映它们的时代。
- Our literature and art belong to the people. 我们的文艺属于人民。