- Programs of effective family life education and family policy. 影响家庭生活教育和家庭政策的方案。
- Considering this reality,life education must be listed in agenda. 面对这样的现实,生命教育必须提上日程。
- We should strongly promote social education and call for "life education". 我们要大力普及社会教育,并提倡“终身教育”。
- In allusion to suicidal events happened on campus, it briefly analyzes cause, and describes actuality, concept, content of life education. 本文针对大学校园发生的自杀现象,简要分析原因,并详细论述了生命教育的现状、概念、内容。
- Family life education continued to play an important part in the welfare programme, with emphasis on good parental guidance to the children. 家庭生活教育仍为福利计划一个重要部分,并以善导子女为主题。
- As there exist some confused ideas about the theory, in practice, life education just is externalism. 但由于理论上还存在着一些模糊认识,使生活教育在实践中大都流于形式。
- It also deserves our thinking how to cope with these challenges when promoting life education in mainland China. 如何应对这些挑战,同样值得大陆地区在推行生命教育时进行深入思考。
- A subsidiary of Stewards Limited - Life Education Project (Non-profit making organization). 神讬会生命教育计划(非牟利机构)的附属项目。
- The education “three views” in the final analysis are the life true meaning inquisitions and the life education. “三观”教育说到底是生命真谛的探究,是生命教育。
- This some kind of degree indicated that our life education was still one-sided, pale and weak. 这某种程度表明,我们的生命教育仍是片面的,苍白无力的。
- Family life education continued to play an important part in the welfare programme,with emphasis on good parental guidance to the children. 家庭生活教育仍为福利计划一个重要部分,并以善导子女为主题。
- I belive , as the development of life education and penetration of humanity, life of moral education must advance towards practice at last. 本人坚信:随着生命化德育的日益凸现和以人为本理念的逐步深入,生命化德育必然会走向实践形态。
- The long term negligence of life education in China's education caused the lack of life consciousness among Chinese people. 摘要我国的教育由于长期忽视生命意识的教育,导致了我们生命意识的缺乏。
- Wu Ganlin is the first one to be programmed by CCTV as a mater of Success and Thinking and also is the originator of life education course in China. 历任香港中华文化传播集团副总裁、美国美中国际创造力开发中心中国区总裁等职。
- Moss (Eds.), Handbook of Family Life Education: Foundations of family life education.Vol.I. (pp. 1-25).Newberry Park, CA: Sage. 台北:中华民国成人教育学会&台湾区家庭教育中心师大书苑。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- Under this sole criterion, the education for all-around development, the psychological education, the life education are naturally pale and weak. 在这个唯一标准下,素质教育、心理教育、生命教育自然是苍白无力的。
- Ethic Education: A Chinese bilingual teacher who will focus on the developments of life education, honor, sensibility, and civic responsibility. 德育:专责中籍导师随班辅导,重视生活教育,培养学生重荣誉、明事理、守纪律的习惯。
- So far as the contents and procedure are concerned, life education is a process from surface to depth, from base to top, from perceptual to rational levels. 就其内容和过程而言,生命教育有一个由表入里、由低到高、由感性到理性的层次过程。
- As an all-directional caring education for human development, life education plays an irreplaceable part in the development of adolescent"s moral quality. 生命教育是一种全方位关怀人成长的教育,对青少年道德素质发展有着不可替代的作用。