- In Mexico they were able to live high on a moderate income. 在墨西哥他们能靠中等的收入过豪华的生活。
- My neighbors really live high on the hog. 我的邻居们生活得真的很奢侈。
- In Mexico people were able to live high on a moderate income. 在墨西哥,人们能靠中等的收入过上豪华舒适的生活。
- To live high does not mean being high in one's qualities. 一个人的生活水平高并不等于品格也高。
- Order of words rampart high suggested the life high tide. 整个过程的高低起伏,即是生命的过程。
- She lives high off hog. She needs money. 她生活奢侈,需要金钱。
- The Jones family lives high on the hog . 琼斯一家过着奢侈的生活。
- The Jones family lives high on the hog. 琼斯一家过着奢侈的生活。
- The upstarts live high. 暴发户们生活奢侈。
- In China, corrupt officials live high on the hog while many of their countryman starve. 在中国,贪官污宦日食万钱;他们很多同胞却在挨饿。
- The bird lives high up in the sky and never descends to earth. 这种鸟住在天空高处,从来不会落到地面。
- Some of you live high the first few days you get your money, then hurriedly look around for help towards the end. 刚拿到钱的那头几天,有的人花钱不眨眼,眼瞅着快到月末了,却慌了手脚四处求援。
- He lives high on the hog since getting his share of the inheritance. 他自从继承遗产后过得很奢侈。
- The business ethics with this one great to contemporary education mind and life high moral principle, having active real sense. 这一思想对当代培养崇高的商业道德和人生节操 ,有着积极的现实意义。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- The government monopolizesthe massive social resources, simultaneously uses the political mobilization the form tocause the social economy life high politics, ideology. 政府垄断大量的社会资源,同时用政治动员的形式使社会经济生活高度政治化,意识形态化。
- Are indifferent to personal gains and losses facing the adverse circumstance and the fresh flower,can static,if stops the water,is the life high perception. 面对逆境与鲜花宠辱不惊,都能静若止水,即是人生较高的悟性。
- The Venusian surface is probably too hot and under too much atmospheric pressure to be habitable, but the planet could conceivably support microbial life high in its atmosphere. 生命甚至可能曾经在酷热的水星上立足。
- Those who seek to live higher life also come to understand the oft-ignored moral power of our words. 那些寻求高等生活的人也将会了解常被我们忽视的语言的道德力量。
- Andy said she would give me the live dope. 安迪说她可以向我提供最新的内部消息。