- live international TV coverage 国际电视现场转播
- There's TV coverage of the NBA tournament. 有个NBA联赛的电视报道。
- There is TV coverage of the NBA tournament. 有个NBA联赛的电视报道。
- There's TV coverage of the A tournament. 有个 A联赛的电视报道。
- Horse racing is increasingly on the map-largely because of TV coverage. 赛马越来越被人们所注意,这主要是由于电视报道的缘故。
- International TV progamming is the great terra incognita for American viewers. 国际电视节目对美国观众而言是全然陌生的领域。
- Japanese TV coverage of the film's U.S. premiere focused on the proximity of the Navy carrier on which the celebrations were held to the spot where the Ehime Maru was sunk. 日本电视台在对该影片在美国的首映式进行报道时,特别强调指出举行仪式的航空舰所处位置和渔船遇难的地点如此接近。
- McCandless:I guess you're about the only person around that doesn't have TV coverage of the scene. 我猜你是附近唯一一个看不到现场电视报道的人。
- Release the exhibition news through domestic and international TV station and newspapers. 通过国内电视台和报刊发布展览会宣传广告,并作专题报导。
- Thousands of people have been evicted from their homes in Beijing as the city cleans up for international TV crews. 北京为了给世界各地的电视工作人员腾出地方,不得不下令让几千名市民离开家。
- Up to end of the year 2001,the TV coverage reached 94.1% in Mainland China, which has formed the largest audiovisual market all over the world. 截止2001年底,中国大陆电视覆盖率达94.;1%25。形成世界上最为庞大的视听市场。
- Editor's note: CNN International TV brings its global resources to China in early April for its" Eye on China" special programming. 编者注:cnn国际电视投入全球资源到中国开展“放眼中国”特比项目。
- Wittwer said, “After understanding the conditions from the TV coverage and posts on the BBS, we took appropriate actions, including arranging for donations. 特别是2008年在北京举行的奥运会,我们的目的是要提高我们在全中国旅游市场的份额。”
- Just sawa Cisco commercial on TV, a Chinese version of their international TV commercial campaign, edited to about 30 seconds. 在电视上看到思高系统的广告,大概是三十秒的中文版吧。
- Unimpressed by the TV coverage's choice of Manchester United midfielder Michael Carrick as the star performer of the game, the Chelsea manager gave his own verdict. 电视台选出的比赛最佳球员是曼联中场卡里克,不同的是,切尔西主教练另有人选。
- International TV programming is always available including CNN, HBO, and NHK channels.We also offer video-on-demand, and high speed Internet free access via broadband. 电视机可直接收视国际卫星直播节目,随叫随到地送餐服务,房间免费宽带上网,交互式电影点播。
- Semler’s pharmacy, along with six others in the nation, has been certified by Pharmacists for Life International as being a drug store that will not fill birth control prescriptions. 萨米拉的药店和其他六家药店已经通过国际生活药剂师的鉴定,作为一家不会出售节育药品的药店。
- Mourinho then reflected on Michael Essien's suspension for both Barcelona games, the midfielder's yellow card being upgraded to a red after extensive TV coverage provoked unprecedented action from UEFA. 穆里尼奥又把失利归咎到了埃辛在两场对巴塞比赛中的停赛,由于电视的大肆报道,这名中场队员的黄牌被欧足联史无前例的升级为红牌。
- Construction of high temperature and long life internal combustion hot blast stove at Anshan Iron and Steel Co. 鞍钢高风温长寿命内燃式热风炉的建设。
- Payne, in his role as the chairman of Augusta National, says regularly that one of the things the Masters should do, through its TV coverage, is grow the game throughout the world. 作为奥古斯塔的主席,佩恩经常说,通过其电视转播,名人赛应该推动高尔夫在全世界的发展。