- live human embryo 人类活胚胎
- You were not a fish, but a human embryo role-playing a fish embryo. 你不是鱼,而是一个扮演着鱼类胚胎角色的人类胚胎。
- Cutting, coring and lectrically jolting a sheep embryo is a huge moral distance from doing the same to a human embryo. 剪裁、提取、电击绵羊的胚胎与对人类胚胎实行同样的做法,从伦理上来说有天壤之别。
- Cutting,coring and lectrically jolting a sheep embryo is a huge moral distance from doing the same to a human embryo. 剪裁、提取、电击绵羊的胚胎与对人类胚胎实行同样的做法,从伦理上来说有天壤之别。
- Conclusion SOFC could induce human embryo lung diploid cell malignant transformation. 结论胡麻油烟冷凝物具有诱导人胚肺二倍体细胞转化的作用。
- Figure 1: Drawings illustrating the similarities in appearance Between a leech and a human embryo at the alaqah stage. 图1:说明水蛭与人类胚胎在血块阶段相似之处的图组。(
- The human embryo does not begin to assume human features before its second month. 人的胚胎在其发育的第二个月前未呈现出人的外貌特征。
- That's why we chose to do a live webcam with a live human there," Musante explains. 这就是我们选择开启实时摄像头,大搞真人秀的原因”,穆桑特解释到。
- The human embryo element product is with the placenta for the raw material production, where has such many placentas? 人胎素产品和羊胎素产品有没有什么区别?
- Scientists have successfully cloned a human embryo for the first time, it was announced today. 今日有消息称,科学家已首次成功实现人类胚胎克隆。
- Antinori has not given any clues about how the human embryo was cloned nor who the progenitor, the person who has been cloned, is. 安蒂诺里并没有描述他在克隆人过程中的胚胎转移技术,也没有提及被克隆者的身份。
- The company said its method makes stem cells from a single cell taken from an eight-cell human embryo. 公司说方法是干细胞从八个人胚胎细胞的单一细胞中得来。
- There will be unlimited access to undamaged organs, and cells for transplantation and, eventually, donation from deceased or live human beings will become obsolete. 我们将获得无限量的、无损伤的细胞和器官供体用于器官移植,而来自死亡或活体的人类器官供体将逐渐废弃。
- It was showed that NOK specifically and physically interacted with STAT3 in human embryo kidney 293T (HEK293T) cells. 研究发现,在人胚肾细胞(HEK293T)中,NOK与STAT3具有直接的相互作用。
- Objective To explore the influencing factors on implantation of cryopreserved human embryo. 摘要目的探讨影响冷冻胚胎移植结果的相关因素。
- Antinori has not given any clues about how the human embryo was cloned nor who the progenitor,the person who has been cloned,is. 安蒂诺里并没有描述他在克隆人过程中的胚胎转移技术,也没有提及被克隆者的身份。
- Such complete correspondence is extremely rare in a war or a battle, in which the belligerents are groups of live human beings bearing arms and keeping their secrets from each other; this is quite unlike handling inanimate objects or routine matters. 统统相符合的事,在战争或战斗中是极其少有的,这是因为战争或战斗的双方是成群的武装着的活人,而又互相保持秘密的缘故,这和处置静物或日常事件是大不相同的。
- Evolution can explain why human embryos look like gilled fishes. 进化论能够解释为什么人类的胚胎看起来象除去了内脏的鱼一样。
- Objective To investigate the effect of HCMV infection on the activity of gelatinase in cultured human embryo lung fibroblast( HEL). 目的探讨人巨细胞病毒(CMV)染对体外培养肺成纤维细胞(hel)明胶酶活性的影响。
- Still, power and a notoriously voracious appetite do not necessarily make the piraiba a river monster prone to attacking and preying on live humans. 但是,其力量和狼吞虎咽的胃口并不能使皮拉鲇成为意图袭击人类的河中猛兽。