- Farm and livestock products are sold mainly through the market. 农畜产品的销售以市场调节为主。
- Aquaculture, valued foods, formation foods, oversea incorporation, breed aquatics, feeds &livestock product. 水产品,加工食品业,化成食品业,海外合并业,增养殖业,饲料畜产业。
- Promote livestock production, reduce losses and increase farmers'income. 促进畜牧业生产发展,减少农民损失,增加农民收入。
- Bujumbura, coffee, cotton and livestock products and other trade rather Shing. 布琼布拉的咖啡、棉花和畜产品等贸易颇盛。
- Processing of livestock products is a real money-maker, you can have a try. 畜产品加工很赚钱,你也可以尝试一下。
- For insuring the high safety level of livestock product, world organization for animal health rec- ommends that all OIE Member Countries determine the status of bovine spongiform encephalopathy( BSE) in their management system. 为了确保全球畜产品安全处于较高水平,世界动物卫生组织建议所有成员国,将安全风险评价机制引入疯牛病等动物烈性疾病的安全监控管理体系。
- Livestock products are more attractive among young Japanese than older Japanese. 畜牧产品在年轻日本人中比在老年日本人中受欢迎。
- About 30 per cent of Alberta's total land area is used in crop and livestock production. 阿尔伯它30%25土地用于农牧生产。
- Intensification of Livestock Production and Environmental Risks: Can We MakeSpatially Explicit Assessments? 如何评估集约式畜牧业生产的环境代价?
- Farmers and herdsmen, individually or collectively, need pay no taxes for selling or exchanging their farm produce, livestock products or handicrafts. 农牧民个人和集体上市出售、交换农牧副和手工业产品,一律不收税。
- Livestock production is responsible for more climate change gasses than all the motor vehicles in the world. 畜牧业对于全球气候的影响甚至多过世界上所有的机动交通工具。
- Farmers and herdsmen,individually or collectively,need pay no taxes for selling or exchanging their farm produce,livestock products or handicrafts. 农牧民个人和集体上市出售、交换农牧副和手工业产品,一律不收税。
- The medicine residue in livestock products include antibiotics, sulfanilamide, funan, anticoccidiosis medicine, hormone and anthelmintic. 摘要畜产品中药物残留主要包括抗生素类、磺胺药类、呋喃药类、抗球虫类、激素药类和驱虫药类药物。
- Constant technological advances in soil conservation and livestock production will be required to keep pace with this ever-growing need. 将需要水土保持与畜牧业生产不断的技术进步以适应这种日益增长的需求。为了适应这种日益增长的需求,水土保持与畜牧生产的技术需要不断进步。
- Glauber said that higher feed costs, following a sharp advance in grain markets earlier this year, had not immediately translated into increased prices for livestock products. 克劳伯说,年初谷物市场大幅走高引发的饲料成本上涨没有立刻导致牲畜产品价格上升。
- But reducing livestock production can take months to years, and in the interim it can actually suppress prices as breeding animals are slaughtered to reduce production. 但减少牲畜产出也只能维持几个月到几年,临时起到实际抑制价格的作用,如果屠杀喂养的动物以减少产出的话。
- The new product became a goldmine for the company. 该项新产品成了该公司的聚宝盆。
- But livestock production and associated animal waste also emit greenhouse gases not associated with fossil-fuel combustion, primarily methane and nitrous oxide. 但是畜牧业和相关的动物产业资源浪费不仅排放温室气体,还包括甲烷和氮氧化物。
- I can't say I'm at all pleased by your product. 我不能说对你们的产品满意。